Program areas at Meals on Wheels San Antonio
The nutrition service provides healthy and delicious Meals to seniors and those who have difficulty leaving their homes and are unable to prepare a meal for themselves. In fy23, 1,850 dedicated volunteers traveled across the region to deliver 1,107,097 hot Meals and also provided daily safety checks and opportunities for socialization.the nutrition service also provides and delivers Meals to senior centers around the city and other senior service organizations in surrounding counties on a contract basis. In fy23, 717,269 contracted Meals were prepared and delivered.
Other services include alzheimer's services, friendly visitor, animeals, and comfy casas. Alzeimer's services provide services to individuals with alzheimer's and other dementia related diseases. During fy23, 434 individuals benefited from services provided such as caregiver activity packets, email updates or resource referrals, special caregiver mailouts, virtual support groups, and grace notes choir.through the friendly visitor services, volunteers provided additional socialization and friendship to 96 clients either through virtual meetings, phone calls, or pen pal writing activities.through friendly visitor services, volunteers provide additional 57,496 pounds of pet food for approximately 600 dogs and 400 cats of seniors and adults who would otherwise risk their own health to share their Meals with their animal companions. And provided access to veterinarian services to 169 clients pets.though comfy casas, 512 seniors and individuals with disabilities received services that addressed improving their living conditions and home safety needs.