Program areas at Medical Faculty Associates
Health care programs, general/other: Medical Faculty Associates, Inc. (the "company") was organized and shall be operated exclusively for the benefit of the george Washington university (the "university"), a congressionally chartered educational institution of higher education in the district of columbia, including its school of medicine and health sciences, and in furtherance hereof the company shall: provide professional physician services and related health care services, including diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and services, to patients in the greater Washington, dc community and other areas, including those unable to pay for such care; employ physicians duly licensed to practice medicine who hold a Faculty appointment at the university, and other qualified personnel and make the service of such personnel available to indigent and other persons requiring such care; and perform the other necessary or appropriate functions and services in connection with the above purposes. In satisfaction of our exempt purpose, mfa provided 470,024 episodes of care, incurred contractual adjustments for medicaid and medicaid replacement totaling approximately $63 million, and conducted numerous community outreach programs to include hiv clinics, prostate cancer screenings, breast care center, and a mammovan.
Professional education: provide certain clinical, teaching and administrative services to the university; undertake teaching the diagnosis and treatment of Medical conditions to Medical students, interns, residents, fellows and other professionals in connection with the university. Mfa's Faculty does the majority of the teaching and research at the george Washington university Medical school. During the fiscal year ending june 30, 2023, mfa provided professional education to 382 Medical residents and 746 students.
Medical research, general/other: provide certain clinical research and administrative services to the university; further the advancement of Medical knowledge through basic and applied research in medicine, lectures, consulting, publishing information and teaching, particularly regarding Medical and health care issues prevalent in urban communities. Mfa's Faculty does the majority of the Medical research at the george Washington university Medical school. During the fiscal year ending june 30, 2023, mfa performed 257 studies.