Program areas at Memnosyne Institute
Ongoing programs for building cultural centers for indigenous people of mexico for the preservation of their arts, culture, medicines, and heritage, specifically for maya near carrillo puerto mexico and toltec around teotihuacan mexico. $1,000 was sent directly to raxalaj the mayan cultural center for support. One project was carried out for the local indigenous youth for a cost of $3,330. A deposit for the december 2022 program was refunded by the city of dallas. The director for indigenous cultures was paid $34,907 plus expense reimbursements of $554. Revenues for the indigenous cultures programs were in the amount of $5,213.
Continuing the collaborative relationships with faith communities in north Texas to serve together in projects that benefit the greater good in our community and surrounding area. Providing an intermediary hub, dba foodsourcedfw, for distributing excess foods donated by wholesalers, distributors, and produce companies to food banks and pantries in north Texas, central & east Texas, and to areas impacted by natural disasters in rio grand valley (rgv), gulf coast and east coastal areas and expansion of the chapter in japan. Received 3,080,390 pounds of food & beverage donations with a donation value of $2,036,046 and a fork lift with a value of $56,925. Memnosyne was able to serve as an agency to receive the donated goods and then deliver them, and that is why these amounts are not included on the form 990.expenses included $48,125 for director pay, $20,004 for director's assistant to maintain the logs ofdonations and contribution acknowledgements, $2,238 for truck, $24,000 for continued support of thememnosyne chapter in japan, and $54 for website maintenance. Revenues for the center for interfaithinitiatives came from $26,740 in contributions and general budget allocations. The work in japan is nowconsidered a program of outreach rather than that of center for interfaith initiatives.
Maintained website that serves as a resource center for providers and users of environmentally sustainable practices, products, and services through program named greensourcedfw. Website has blogs, articles, weekly newsletter, articles written by freelance writers, and ads for various vendors of environmental products and services; it is an online exchange portal for the environmentally conscious community. The earth day programs resumed live, in person projects in 2023. Staffing expenses for the center for environment included: director of environmental center $30,000, editing manager of the website online activities $44,000, freelance writers and bloggers $13,619, newsletter, blogging & website expenses $4,093, and oak cliff earth day $11,500.revenues were received from program revenue $8,848 (sponsorships, vendor fees, merchandise sales)and general budget allocations. Inkind contributions included $4,000 value of city park space for oced,$4,000 value of park maintenance for oced event, $1,500 value of entertainers at oced, more than$1,125 value in advertising.
Center for outreach programs included: 1) development of a portal for online collaboration of similar non-profit organizations; 2) begin to establish an ngo in mexico to encourage locals to donate to the cultural centers already established in the country; 3) building a better understanding of relationships.