EIN 90-0756744

Memorial Health System Group (MHS)

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
Memorial Health System is one of only two healthcare organizations to receive recognition from The Lincoln Foundation for Performance Excellence in 2003.
Related structure
MHS is child organization, under the parent exemption from Memorial Health.
Also known as...
Taylorville Memorial Hospital; Passavant Memorial Area Hospital Association; The Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital; Springfield Memorial Hospital; Lincoln Memorial Hospital; Memorial Medical Center; Group Return
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at MHS

Hospitalsmemorial Health System includes five hospitals, springfield Memorial hospital (smh), decatur Memorial hospital (dmh), jacksonville Memorial hospital (jmh), lincoln Memorial hospital (lmh), and taylorville Memorial hospital (tmh). The hospitals provide a wide variety of Health care services to inpatients, outpatients and emergency department services. 174,334 patient days, 31,005 discharges, and 896,833 outpatient visits were provided by the hospitals in fy2023. In fy2023, over $4 million in charity care was provided by mhs hospitals. Jacksonville crna provides professional certified registered nurse anesthetist services to the communities in the jmh service area. For fy2023, services were provided for 3,516 cases.during fy2023, smh placed significant emphasis on improving financial operating performance, particularly by lowering the cost structures of each organization. This required a focus on reducing reliance on high-cost agency labor at both institutions, as well as adjustments to the overall size of workforce to a more sustainable level without compromising patient care. In june 2023, a new Memorial child care facility opened on the smh campus. In august 2023, classes began at the new springfield location for Illinois state university's mennonite college of nursing.during fy2023, dmh became the only hospital in decatur with an obstetrics unit. The family birth center stepped up to the challenge, delivering nearly twice as many babies in 2023 as the previous year. Also during fy 2023, dmh nurses led 15 stop the bleed training sessions for the decatur community. In february 2023, dmh completed the implementation of a standardized electronic Health record and revenue cycle systems. The standardized System brought dmh on to the cerner platform allowing for enhanced patient management across the Health System. Last school year, dmh began a partnership with hope academy, a k-8 school in decatur public school district 61 that serves about 560 students.during fy 2023, jmh completed the implementation of a standardized electronic Health record and revenue cycle systems. The standardized System brought jmh on to the cerner platform allowing for enhanced patient management across the Health System. The project was completed february 25, 2023. In may 2023, jmh earned its fourth magnet designation, joining only 2 percent of hospitals nationwide-including springfield Memorial hospital-that have achieved this high standard. The magnet designation, also awarded by ancc, recognizes excellence in nursing practice and high-quality nursing care.in fy2023, lmh was honored with a second pathway to excellence designation from the american nurses credentialing center (ancc). Lmh is one of only two pathway hospitals in Illinois and 201 nationwide. The designation recognizes organizations that create an empowering work environment for nurses.in fy2022, the Illinois critical access hospital network recognized tmh for being in the top 10% of all critical access hospitals in the country for exceptional outpatient quality of care, specifically ed throughput and acute myocardial infarction measures.
Ambulatory & othermemorial Health operates three ambulatory affiliates that are included in the Group 990 return: Memorial home care (mhc), Memorial Health ventures (mhv), and springfield residential services (srs).mhc provides hospice services, home Health, and other community events. Hospice services include pain and symptom management, bereavement care, volunteer services, as well as emotional and spiritual care for terminally ill patients and their families. The hospice program also has on-staff medical social workers, home Health aides, a chaplain and dietary counseling. Home Health services included skilled, high-tech nursing, home Health aides, palliative care, specialized wound care, telehealth, nutritional services, social services, and rehabilitation. Home Health recorded a total of 30,658 visits in fy2023 and 2,020 admissions. The hospice average daily census in fy2023 was 74.6 days with 686 admissions, for a total of 27,219 days.mhv owns and provides oversight for joint ventures with entities entered into by Memorial Health System. All of these ventures must be in keeping with the Health care System mission of providing continuum of care to patients in central Illinois. They include a long term care facility, and an ambulatory surgical treatment center. The partnership with the equipment leasing company was dissolved on september 1, 2020. Although still included in the partnership, the long term care facility operations have ceased. The ambulatory surgical treatment center completed 4,606 surgical and pain procedures in fy2023.srs provides housing facilities and services to non-elderly adults diagnosed with mental illnesses by means of constructing a hud housing project. During fy2023, a total of 16 clients resided in the facility throughout the year. Srs charges no more than 30 percent of each resident's adjusted gross income to help offset the costs that srs incurs for providing, maintaining, and operating these facilities and services.
Physiciansmemorial physician services (mps) is a provider network of 9 branch clinics that support a variety of outpatient services throughout central Illinois. Patients may be cared for in a clinic, nursing home, hospital or virtual setting. Mps also offers 7 walk-in urgent care locations to improve patient access. Comprised of more than 197 physicians, advanced practice registered nurses, doctor of nursing practice and physician assistants. Mps employs more than 563 support personnel and provided 261,356 primary care patients visits and 189,602 urgent care visits for fy2023. Physician offices and clinics are located in springfield, jacksonville, lincoln, petersburg, beardstown, and chatham. Mps also has an on-site clinic at a local nursing home to improve access for elderly residents. All of the mps primary care clinics are ncqa designated level 3 patient centered medical homes. Mps provides community benefits by mentoring and providing Health profession educational opportunities for medical students, advanced practice registered nurses, doctor of nursing practice, physician assistants and certified medical assistants.these practices provide quality ambulatory medical care regardless of race, creed, sex, national origin, handicap, age, or ability to pay. Mps recognizes that not all individuals possess the ability to purchase essential medical services. Mps has a charity care policy which formalizes the process in which needy patients are approved for discounts and write-offs. This policy allows the clinics to maintain records, track, and identify patients who qualify for charity care. Mps also routinely reviews private pay patient accounts which do not meet the criteria for charity care, to assess whether or not additional financial assistance may be provided.each year, mps provides free community Health education services through Health fairs and newsletters. In addition, mps physicians participate in providing community based clinical services with Health screenings and assessments, and free or subsidized clinics.dmh is the employer of 59 physicians plus a complement of other providers. This allows dmh to offer a wide range of professional patient care at approximately 28 offices located throughout the service area. These sites include two expresscare locations offering care for cases that are time-sensitive but not life-threatening or emergent.
Foundationsmemorial Health utilizes foundations to provide grants to support patient care, education, and community Health outreach in addition to facilitating partnerships and collaboration to improve the Health of the community. The four foundations included in the Memorial Health System Group 990 return are springfield Memorial foundation (smf), decatur Memorial foundation (dmf), taylorville Memorial foundation (tmf), and jacksonville Memorial foundation (jmf).in fy2023, smf provided $929,077 in grants to organizations. This included $677,284 in grants to Memorial Health System affiliates and $251,793 in grants to siu school of medicine. In fy2023, smf provided $366,481 in grants to 531 individuals. These grants include patient assistance of $117,472, educational grants and certifications of $231,042, and assistance to employees with catastrophic events of $17,967.in fy2023, dmf provided $712,491 in grants to organizations. This included $699,144 in grants to decatur Memorial hospital and $13,347 in grants to community organizations.in fy2023, dmf provided $178,505 in grants to individuals. These grants include educational grants and certifications of $12,341, assistance to employees with catastrophic events of $112,487, scholarships/awards of $20,700, sharing wishes for hospice patients of $8,291, and other patient assistance of $24,686. In fy2023, tmf provided $10,786 grants to taylorville Memorial hospital.in fy2023, tmf provided $25,304 in grants to individuals. These grants include educational grants and certifications of $23,910 and patience assistance of $1,394.in fy2023, jmf provided $145,125 in grants to organizations. This included $142,567 in grants to jacksonville Memorial hospital.in fy2023, jmf provided $131,784 in grants to individuals. These grants included educational assistance of $88,756, assistance to employees of $18,700, and patient assistance of $24,328.

Grants made by MHS

GranteeGrant descriptionAmount
The Board of Trustees of the University of IllinoisSee Part Iv Support the Educational Advancement of Futue Nursing Workforce$3,333,333
SIU HealthCareSee Part Iv MMC Has Entered Into An Agreement With Siu Healthcare To Contribute From MMCS Funding for the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services Assessment Program To Sius Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Program. MMC Has Also Contributed Towards the Access To Care Collaborative, A Program That Is Addressing Acess To Care. Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Program. MMC Has Also Contributed Towards the Access To Care Collaborative, A Program That Is Addressing Access To Care.$1,628,811
Missouri Baptist Medical CenterSee Part Iv Federal Ncorp Pass Through Funds To Subrecipient$1,342,759
...and 21 more grants made totalling $10,891,980

Who funds Memorial Health System Group (MHS)

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Advanced Medical Transport of SpringfieldSupport Local Health and Human Care Programs.$7,500

Personnel at MHS

Dolan DalpoasPresident and Chief Executive Officer , Lincoln Memorial Hospital$0
Drew Early, MhsaPresident and Chief Executive Officer, Decatur Memorial Hospital$0
Edgar J. CurtisPresident and Chief Executive Officer ,$0
Kim Beggs, MBAPresident and CEO, Memorial Medical Group
Kim Bourne, FachePresident and CEO, Taylorville Memorial Hospital
...and 18 more key personnel

Financials for MHS

RevenuesFYE 09/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$24,586,206
Program services$1,429,160,451
Investment income and dividends$16,283,187
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$9,195,354
Net rental income$2,851,270
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$-3,575,911
Net income from fundraising events$-26,751
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$35,515,848
Total revenues$1,513,989,654

Form 990s for MHS

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-092024-08-15990View PDF
2022-092023-08-15990View PDF
2021-092022-08-15990View PDF
2020-092021-09-03990View PDF
2019-092020-10-08990View PDF
...and 9 more Form 990s
Data update history
November 6, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 4 new personnel
September 24, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2023
September 21, 2024
Received grants
Identified 1 new grant, including a grant for $7,500 from Advanced Medical Transport of Springfield
September 21, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 23 new personnel
September 26, 2023
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2022
Nonprofit Types
Grantmaking organizationsHospitalsHealth organizationsChapter / child organizations
LobbyingFundraising eventsPeer-to-peer fundraisingState / local levelReceives government fundingEndowed supportCommunity engagement / volunteeringFundraising races, competitions, and tournamentsTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
701 N First St
Springfield, IL 62781
Metro area
Springfield, IL
Sangamon County, IL
Website URL
(217) 788-3000
Facebook page
Twitter profile
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
E21: Community Health Systems
NAICS code, primary
622: Hospitals
Parent/child status
Child within group exemption
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