Program areas at Memphis Child Advocacy Center
The Memphis Child Advocacy Center (cac) supports safety for children through informed prevention, community collaboration, and a team approach to healing and justice for victims of Child sexual abuse and other severe abuse. The Memphis cac facilitates a best practice multi-agency team response to reports of suspected Child abuse. The shelby county Child protection investigation team, headquartered at the Memphis cac, includes 15 agencies involved in the investigation, prosecution, and treatment following reported abuse. After a report of abuse, families come to the cac's centrally located, child-friendly campus for help. The combined knowledge of professionals from multiple disciplines results in a stronger investigation, fosters healing from trauma, and pursues accountability for those who perpetrate abuse. Memphis cac forensic interviewers use a nationally accepted protocol when interviewing suspected victims of Child abuse. The fact-finding interviews are developmentally appropriate, culturally responsive, unbiased, and legally sound. In fy2023, 677 children participated in a forensic interview at the cac. Each digitally recorded interview was observed in real time by investigators via closed-circuit television. In fy 2023, 88 children, along with their parents or caregivers, received evidence-based therapy. Outcome evaluation indicates that the Center's therapy services result in significant reductions in post-traumatic stress symptoms experienced by victimized children. Evaluation also shows that parents/caregivers feel better equipped to support and protect their Child after therapy is concluded. Cac family advocates arrange transportation to cac services, assist with victim compensation applications, access community resources, and help families navigate the legal system. In fy23, cac advocates worked with 678 families. In addition to critical services for victims of Child abuse, the Memphis cac provides prevention training for parents and adults who work with children in schools and daycares, faith-based organizations, healthcare institutions, and youth-serving organizations. In fy 2023, the cac trained 1,772 adults in the nationally recognized, research-informed stewards of children Child sexual abuse prevention and response training. Since 2011, over 30,000 unduplicated shelby county adults have taken the training. Evaluation surveys completed six months following the training indicate significant increases in adults taking specific steps which decrease opportunities for abuse to occur. The cac also offers free policy consultation for youth-serving organizations. The Memphis cac was one of first 25 Child Advocacy centers to open in the u.s.-now there are 950. The cac was certified as a Child abuse prevention agency by the state of Tennessee in 2001. A full member of the national children's alliance since 1992, the Center meets the rigorous membership standards and was reaccredited in 2020. In 2007, the Memphis cac was recognized with the united way brad wanzer award of excellence for a high level of accountability, outcome measures, and collaboration. In 2021, the Center was recognized with a citycurrent spark award for igniting change and making a positive impact in the greater Memphis community. The Center also received the Memphis police department chief's award in 2021 for outstanding achievement. For more information on the best practice prevention and intervention programs available at the Memphis Child Advocacy Center, visit