Program areas at Menomonee Valley Partners
Thriving district: Maintain a thriving, sustainable, urban district that is home to manufacturing, entertainment, and recreation. Work within this category includes programs that focus on public safety, district beautification, and marketing the district and its amenities.
Redevelopment: Encourage and facilitate high-quality redevelopment of vacant parcels and underutilized properties and recruit high-quality employers. Work in this category includes predevelopment and due diligence to redevelop vacant properties, working with businesses, brokers, and other partners to attract businesses to the Valley, and supporting existing businesses in their growth with a range of technical assistance.
Workforce connections: Connect employers to a regional, job-ready workforce and position local workers to be competitive for upcoming employment opportunities. Work within this category includes the youth-focused Career Discovery Initiative programs and Rotational Internship Program, as well as a variety of programs that build and support the Valley workforce, including programs such as the Valley Circles professional development programs for Valley employees, workforce transportation work, and shared workforce training programs to build and retain the Valley workforce.
Transportation and infrastructure: Ensure development of effective transportation access and other beneficial infrastructure. Work in this category involves coordinating with public and private sector partners on major infrastructure projects in and around the Valley, including I-94 reconstruction, rail projects, planning infrastructure necessary to developing vacant parcels, and the development of riverwalk.