Program areas at Mental Health Association / Mental Health America of Dutchess County Inc
Addiction services - services for recovery from substance use include the crisis center emergency care, counseling and referral services to Dutchess County residents. Residential facilities include bolger house, florence manor and dowling house. These are halfway houses that provide temporary support after completing a detoxification program. Dowling house offers the opportunity to develop additional educational and vocational skills to facilitate reintegration into society. Sober supported housing provides permanent housing and assistance to the special needs of the homeless in recovery.
Case management - mha provides services to people with Mental illness in the Dutchess County community, which are individually designed to develop and coordinate support for persons recovering from Mental illness to assist them in living successfully in the community. Mha helps coordinate their medical and Mental Health care and assists them in achieving goals they may have in the areas of social, recreational, vocational, educational, physical, medical, and residential services and many others. The above revenue represents receipts from medicaid only. However, additional support for these services is also provided by funding from Dutchess County department of Mental hygiene.
Veterans services - this program includes service for veterans and encompass housing, vocational, socialization and preventing isolation. Project hope provides help to veterans recovering from the adverse effects that covid 19 has had on their lives, whether physical or emotional.
Pros recovery services - recovery is the ultimate goal of psychiatric rehabilitation services. Through personal support, reintegration into the community and building on strengths and unique needs of the individuals, persons with Mental illness learn to manage symptoms and reach goals. Family support and advocacy services - family support and advocacy offers the Dutchess County Mental Health community, programs that provide empowerment, skill building, advocacy and peer interaction for families and individuals. Homeless & mica services (the living room) - a resource, support and referral center for those who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, and have Mental Health and/or addiction problems. Families and individuals are provided with supportive services and referral to community services for housing, employment, addiction, Mental Health, benefits and other services. The living room provides a safe haven during the day, with needed facilities for the homeless. Home & community based services (hcbs) - as part of providing care coordination for an individual enrolled in a harp or hiv snp, the care manager will ensure the individual is informed of the bh hcbs benefits available to them, has a person-centered discussion with the individual about their recovery goal(s), and how bh hcbs may help achieve their goals. Adult bh hcbs include habilitation, education support services, pre- vocational services, transitional employment, intensive supported employment support, ongoing supported employment support, and non-medical transportation. This category also includes housing, police outreach and peer services.