Program areas at The Mental Health Association in Forsyth County
Consumer support is composed of 8 programs. (1) hospital outreach program - volunteers and staff provide information and resource assistance to patients and their families at local hospitals and at Mental Health facilities about community support services information prior to their discharge. The Association responds to special requests from hospital psychiatric staff as needed. (2) mood disorders support - tides is a support group for people with mood disorders including clinical depression, bi-polar disorder or other mood disorders. Support groups meet twice a month on tuesday evenings to share information, resource assistance and to develop self-advocacy skills. An additional tides group meets every friday morning for anyone with a mood disorder, but is also open to anyone with any Mental Health and/or substance abuse issues. (3) anxiety disorders - this support group is for people with panic disorder, agoraphobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, acute stress disorder or generalized anxiety disorder. Support groups meet twice a month on thursday evenings to help participants learn coping skills and up-to-date information about anxiety disorders, treatments and medication. (4) psychotic disorders - this support group is for adults with psychotic disorders, schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders. Support groups meet twice a month on thursday afternoons to help participants learn coping skills and up-to-date information about psychotic disorders, treatments and medication. (5) thrive - this support group is for young adults ages 18-30 with any Mental Health issue. Support groups meet every second and fourth tuesday evenings each month at The Association's office. (6) speaker meetings - Mental Health speaker, educational meetings are devoted solely to The fifth tuesdays and/or fifth fridays in a given month. Speaker topics vary and have included: stress and change, nutrition, smoking cessation and updates on specific Mental disorders such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and borderline personality disorder. Topics are chosen from feedback from support group participants and others. (7) operation santa claus - holiday cheer in The form of goody bags and/or unit gifts are provided to Mental Health patients (children and adults) at local inpatient and outpatient Mental Health facilities, including old vineyard behavioral Health, Forsyth medical center/novant, wake forest baptist Health, brenner's children's hospital, Forsyth Mental Health court clients and, when applicable, other Mental Health agencies. Community groups, local businesses, churches/houses of worship, civic and fraternal groups donate their time, money and gifts to help make The holidays a little brighter for those receiving treatment in our local Mental Health facilities. (8) representative payee services - through referrals, this program benefits people with severe Mental illness who receive social security disability and/or supplementary security income or other entitlements, such as railroad retirement, and cannot manage their own funds. The Association becomes The client's payee by setting up a budget for each client and managing his or her funds to pay his or her rent, utilities, medications, food and other basic necessities.
Community education is composed of 7 programs. (1) information and referral - this agency provides information/referral services to callers, e-mail inquiries, and walk-in visitors as well as to area professionals on various topics such as, but not limited to: specific Mental Health disorders, community Mental Health services, medication information, community support programs and/or substance abuse services. The Association maintains a database of over 200 local Mental Health providers for those interested in seeing a provider in The private or public sectors and provides referrals based on a person's Mental Health and/or financial needs. (2) resource center - The Association maintains educational materials, fact sheets, pamphlets, brochures for The general public about Mental illness and related topics. These materials also include local resource information, such as: how to access Mental Health services, local Mental Health crisis & walk-in centers, local counseling centers that offer sliding scale fees and/or financial assistance, and a listing of local Mental Health family support groups. (3) speakers bureau - staff provides educational programs on Mental Health topics to businesses, clubs, schools and churches in Forsyth and surrounding counties. Topics include: "Mental Health 101", coping with holiday stress, seasonal affective disorder, depression and anxiety disorders and suicide awareness. (4) Mental Health and Mental illness awareness campaigns - promotional campaigns are held twice a year to spread awareness, understanding heighten sensitivity and work to reduce The stigma associated with Mental illness. Services include: depression and anxiety screenings, radio and television interviews and panel discussions. The Association sponsors free seminars, town hall meetings and panel discussions aimed to help The general public better understand Mental illness. (5) systems advocacy - The Association continually advocates on The local, state and national levels to governmental and legislative bodies in order improve, advocate and expand Mental Health and related services. (6) Mental Health african-american outreach - The Association provides education, awareness and special events to help remove The stigma of Mental illness passed down through generations within The african-american community. (7) education outreach on bullying - The Association is committed to helping The general public better understand The Mental Health impact on bullying and those who are victims of bullying through education, outreach and special events.
Family support is composed of 3 programs. (1) court assistance program - The Association monitors The outcomes of The weekly judicial hospitalization hearings (involuntary commitment hearings) and reports paperwork and other clerical errors to appropriate hospital or provider staff. If family members are present, The Association offers information, referrals, and resource assistance. (2) family / consumer advocacy and outreach - The Association provides free individual and family advocacy services, resource assistance and service coordination. The Association works directly with children and adults with Mental Health needs, their families, friends and service providers to ensure that they live full and productive lives. The Association is involved in "crisis intervention team" trainings to law enforcement personnel to help them recognize The signs and symptoms of persons experiencing a Mental Health crisis, to help them de-escalate a person having a Mental Health crisis in a safe and humane manner and to help individuals in crisis access services. (3) wellness recovery action plan (wrap) trainings - The Association offers wrap trainings, which is a 4-day, 20 hour training to persons living with Mental illness designed to help them identify and understand their own personal wellness and to develop an individualized plan in The event of a Mental Health crisis, including advance directives. Wrap is a samhsa- approved training designed to help those living with Mental illness become their own advocate by encouraging: personal responsibility, emotional regulation and hope.