Program areas at Mercy Partners
A.MERCY PARTNERS CREATES SERVICE PROGRAMS WITHIN CONFLICT ZONES THAT FOSTER IMMEDIATE CARE FOR DISPLACED and AT RISK PERSONS IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, DENTAL CARE, DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, MEDICINE, FOOD, CHARCOAL, HAND WASHING STATIONS, PERSONAL HYGIENE KITS CLOTHING AND COUNSEL- Our immediate care program 2023-2024 provided physical and psychological care, therefore our partnered evangelist were able to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in a practical manner. Enabling the local church to do this work provides a platform for the church to attend the spiritual needs of the locally village and avoids complications of language and culture. Assisting the displaced population, aids them for the next transition of sufficiency. We had also provided food for the indigent population and displaced during war on several occasions impacting thousands. approx. cost of $7.00 per person. Also under this title is the provision of medical care, medicines, First aid Kits and hundreds of Personal Hygiene Kits and distribution thereof. Food distribution and medicine. Elderly Care, 2023-2024 IMMEDIATE CARE A. $29,016
C. MERCY PARTNERS TRAINS NATIVE EVANGELISTS TO CARE FOR THEIR LOCAL PEOPLE AMONG VARIOUS TRIBES TO MAINTAIN PEACE AND HARMONY AND PROVIDE THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS. Mercy Partners established network of churches in the Republic of South Sudan and West Nile Uganda and Kenya This year we trained evangelists and pastors that have a heart towards the depravity of their own people to serve in the capacity of distributing aid and lead in education. This included training, books, bibles and distribution of the Bibles. Printed material for our MANGO discipleship. Also include under this title; medical training, annual student education, field logistics and communication ALONG WITH Cost associated with infrastructure for Bridge Campus U.S including maintenance equipment and operations building. MERCY PARTNERS maintains an online access point called BRIDGE CAMPUS E. AFRICA for educational training through NATIONSUNIVERSITY and Creation Truth Foundation 2023-2024 TRAINING EXPENSES C. $37,545
B.MERCY PARTNERS CREATED SERVICE PROGRAMS WITHIN CONFLICT ZONES THAT PROVIDE SUSTAINABLE AID AND SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENTS TO RAISE SURVIVAL CONDITIONS IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. MERCY PARTNERS CREATED SERVICE PROGRAMS WITHIN CONFLICT ZONES THAT PROVIDE SUSTAINABLE AID AND SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENTS TO RAISE SURVIVAL CONDITIONS IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST * Water project including U.N's WASH program and deep water borehole well in Kenya near Tanzanian Border. Goat sustainability project in E. Africa, Other expenses under this title include logistics that enabled physical reports to assure local government compliance along with health and sanitary needs of the water wells.Church Building and Micro Business in Rift Valley Kenya 2023-2024 SUSTAINABLE AID B. $27,181
D. MERCY PARTNERS EDUCATES THE GENERAL PUBLIC ABOUT HUMANITARIAN AND SPIRITUAL NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE THAT RESIDE WITHIN CONFLICT ZONES WITHIN SOUTH SUDAN AND UGANDA FOR THE GLORY OF JESUS. *- Mercy Partners published and sent out articles of interest to people who have subscribed, announcements about upcoming Mercy Missions, guidance for volunteers and donors. We maintain a booth at the International Conference on Missions provide presentations on the mission in an educational manner, University Lectures. MERCY PARTNERS educates and trains missionaries on the methodology of Bridging cultures for Christ. An approach we offer to partner with natives for sustainable and spiritual impact. - Strategic partnerships with other like minded organizations are also covered under this title. 100's of Bibles have been distributed, some of native languages.. 2023-2024.EDUCATION EXPENSES D. $24,759