Program areas at Merrick Community Services
Employment & career Services Merrick's career Services program provides resources and skills to enable east side residents to pursue employment and career opportunities. Merrick's career Services program provides un- and under-employed adults and youth with access to skill training programs, job search assistance, and other supports. Merrick is a leader (and fiscal sponsor) for the east side employment xchange as well, a collaborative of a dozen partners serving east side communities with employment Services and relationships to area employers. Mcs supports youth development through our Services in a number of ways. Youth needs are assessed and addressed through our family Services case management, and specific support is often provided to youth and families to help with school attendance, homework management, or healthy lifestyle choices for youth. Mcs provides youth employment and career exploration programming in partnership with saint paul public schools and 3m as a summer program; and, we continue to weave youth career exploration into other elements of our employment programming year-round. Two of Merrick's annual events (holiday share (winter toy distribution) and back-to-school backpack distribution specifically focus on connecting with, and providing support to east side youth and their families. Mcs provided 77 adults and youth seeking employment and career Services. In addition, mcs served over 3248 youth through seasonal programming.
Food shelf providing a variety of high-quality foods and household supplies, Merrick's food shelves are dedicated to connecting families and individuals with Community resources to help eliminate the long-term causes of hunger. These Services are offered to the east side of saint paul and maplewood residents by distributing nutritious foods through a client-choice model. Mcs served over 27,000 visits to the foodshelf.
Family & Community Services Merrick's family Services family caseworkers utilize intervention and prevention resources, tools, information, and referrals to address and/or service the comprehensive and complex needs of the whole family. Through the provision of culturally appropriate Community resources, information and referral Services; and individual and family case management Services they strive to connect the family with resources in their Community that will address their immediate needs. It is the role of the family caseworker to teach individuals the skills needed to problem solve and search out and connect to needed resources. All of the above components contribute to a respectful, professional relationship that is a critical component to family growth and achievement. Family caseworkers assist parents in meeting their goals through support and advocacy. Merrick case management Services are offered through a partnership with ramsey county human Services - family & Community partnership (fcp) / parent support outreach program (psop) & family emergency funds. Fcp/psop is a voluntary program designed to assist low income families with minor children with basic needs and information regarding Community resources. In 2022/23 mcs served over 930 individuals though this program.
Senior Services the Merrick meals on wheels program is dedicated to providing Services that enable area seniors to remain independent and to continue living in their own homes for as long as possible. Meals are delivered by volunteers monday through thursday between 10:30am - 12:30pm. Mcs delivered over 24,000 hot meals and served 190 households with this program. Merrick also provides seasonal cleanup crews to help seniors with yardwork and light maintenance in support of their continued independent living,