Program areas at Michael Carter Lisnow Respite Center
The organization's daycare Center serves children from birth to age three and provides out of home Respite care for families of children with severe disabilities. The program provides input in The medical decision process, advocates for educational programming, participates in educational goals, cares for siblings, and provides training for grandparents, as well as providing a special place for The families to spend time. In addition The Respite Center provides community based day supports and residential services for individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities.
The monthly Respite program allows families to leave their child at The Center The first weekend of every month, or every other month. It provides care for children and allows families to rest, knowing that The Center is caring for their child during their brief time away.
The weekly overnight program allows individuals to spend two days and one night per week at The Center. The program is geared towards single mothers and couples that are close to separation, or residential placement.
The after school Respite program is a time when teenage children from The community volunteer their services. Volunteers assist in feeding during The dinner hour. The program provides The greatest community outreach and as a result of these weekly services, The teenage volunteers have formed wonderful relationships with The Center's Respite children.
Provide temporary care for children and adults with severe disabilities