Program areas at Mid-State Opportunity
Low income home energy assistance program (liheap) - funded by dcs/mdhs - designed to assist low income families to meet home energy needs.
Senior select program - funded by the delta workforce investment area (dwia)through south delta planning and development district - provides work experience and employability skills training to disadvantaged high school seniors to help them earn their high school diplomas and prepare for a school to work transition. Out-of-school select program - funded by the delta workforce investment area (dwia) through south delta planing and development district - provides work experience and employability skills training to economically disadvantaged 16-21 year old, low-income, out-of- school youth. The participants attend basic skills classes to prepare them for the ged examination and employability skills classes to prepare them for a school to work transition.
Community services block grant (csbg) - funded by the division of community services, mdhs - provides case management services and assistance in employment, education, health, nutrition, transportation, child care, housing, emergency assistance, income management and self-sufficiency.
Other services are various other funding streams, including emergency food and shelter programs, that further support the agency's mission.