Program areas at Midcoast Maine Community Action
Community services - the Community services department provides the following complement of programs and services: whole families case management is a comprehensive case management program for families in mid-coasMidcoastst Maine. The whole family program also includes the family development account and finance and asset building initiatives, along with the judith williams scholarship program. The economic stability program provides referrals to a wide range of resources. The economic stability program provides emergency funding, counseling, advocacy, and referrals. Emergency funds for housing, fuel assistance, and electric disconnects are provided by united way of mid coast Maine, corporal works of mercy, fuel for friends, federal emergency management agency, the philbrook fund, and grace episcopal church. The low income heating assistance program (liheap) helps qualified renters and homeowners pay for heating costs. Benefits include help paying for fuel and emergency fuel delivery. The application process involves both an application and an interview to help determine elegibility and the level of benefit. Women, infants & children nutrition program (wic) provides supplemental food vouchers, nutrition education, and breastfeeding support to pregnant and post-partum women, infants, and children up to the age of five. The navigator program provides assistance to individuals to enroll in the health insurance marketplace. Families can is the state of Maine designated child abuse and neglect prevention council for the greater brunswick area and sagadahoc county.families can provides mandated reporter training to the staff of local social service organizations, school districts and other programs that serve children. Additionally, families can offers a variety of parenting classes and workshops for the general public and for those individuals referred to the program by other agencies. Ledgewood courts is a 24-unit apartment complex in damariscotta, Maine providing housing for families, elderly, disabled and handicapped residents. As required by Maine housing, for a period of ninety years, the ledgewood project will endeavor to keep at least 5 of the units in the development occupied by individuals or families whose income is 50% or less of the area median income and at least 19 of the units in the development occupied by individuals or families whose income is 60% or less of the area median income. Mmca provices residence services to the occupants.
Other services - other services include smaller programs funded by municipal and other unrestricted funding, as well as other agency central service costs.
Child and family services - the child and family services department is made up of two programs; head start and early head start. The head start program is primarily a federally funded pre-school program for income eligible 3-5-year-olds. In addition to the preschool activities the program provides health, dental nutrition and other services to the children and referral services for other family members. The early head start program serves pregnant women and children from ages o to 3 in home-based settings and children 6 weeks to 3 years old in center-based settings. Both, head start and early head start, provide comprehensive case management to all families.