Program areas at Urban League Twin Cities
EDUCATION: The Black Gems (BG) program is a high school college and career readiness program focusing on social and emotional learning (SEL) to planfully prepare students for their transition to various post high school options. Participants engage students from a variety of schools and receive life skills training, financial literacy, SEL topics such as peer pressure, developing a support system, and coping through transitions, help with college applications and essays and a springtime tour of HBCU's and civil rights sites.
ULTC WEALTH DEVELOPMENT: ULTC housing programs serve the full spectrum of clients from the unhoused to renters to first-time homebuyers. Our HUD certified housing counsellors help clients to create a budget and savings plan to help them control their spending, reduce debt, build credit and set a goal of homeownership. A total of 89 people were served through our Wealth Development programs. 42 participated in our home ownership preparation classes over the course of the year. 13 of those participants reported that we assisted with helping to decrease debt, increase savings and/or increase their credit score. 8 participants were provided with homeless assistance and 22 were helped with overcoming barriers such as security deposits, first month's rent, and debts to previous landlords. Four went on to purchase their first homes. In partnership with City of Lakes community Land Trust, ULTC has launched the African American Community Land Trust (AACLT) Twin Cities. The project will provide a mechanism for home ownership and equity sharing for low-income persons and preserve affordability through shared equity. A two-year pilot, the AACLT will support 10 new land trust homeowners with down payment and rehab assistance.
WORFORCE DEVELOPMENT: ULTC's Workforce Development programs offer job training, assessment and placement for people who are entering the workforce for the first time or re-entering after an absence. We focus on jobs that offer family sustaining wages in high growth sectors including building trades, IT, trucking, and warehouse operations. Over the past year, we have provided Workforce training and support service to 120 job seekers. A total of 255 people participated in our Urban Tech program and received specialized training. A total of 75 Workforce program participants were placed in full - time employment.
FACILITY LEASE AND RENTAL SERVICE: ULTC has both multi-year and monthly rental tenants in its headquarters office located in North Minneapolis. Tenants include non-profit organizations and small businesses. In addition, ULTC provides short-term rentals of its public spaces for meetings and events. Examples of short-term rentals include birthday and graduation celebrations, community meetings, public hearings and listening sessions, corporate volunteer events, and venue for tax preparation services for low-income persons.