Program areas at Minnesota Association of Library Friends
The workshop program was established in 2012 and delivers workshops throughout the state which stress strategy and action for libraries and Library Friends organizations. In 2014 free workshops were held in five Minnesota communities under the title, "strengthening libraries together." 109 attendees learned ways to increase Friends of the Library membership and raise signficant funds for their libraries. Participants shared ideas and networked with other facing similar challenges.
Member communication and information continues to be a primary focus of the organization and is ever-expanding with social media and internet - based communication capabilities. The newsletter continues to be a part of these efforts and is sent to 250 members, libraries and Library associations. Electronic communication has become a more important component of how the organization keeps members and the broader Minnesota Library communiites informed about developments affecting Library Friends and their libraries. The organization's grant opportunities are also made available through all these community communication services. Newsletter production and mailing costs comprised 1,963 of the total program cost of 14,155.
The grants program provides grants as follows: 1. To recognize the importance of Friends groups projects which add value to organizations, libraries and commuities, and are replicable in other communities. In 2014 the Friends of brainerd public Library received the best project award of of 1,000; Friends of the ramsey county Library, roseville and the jessie f. hallett memorial Library Friends foundations received recognition awards of 250. 2. To help defray the expenses of creating new Friends groups in public, academic or special libraries, including to apply for 501(c)(3) status. Grants of up to 1,000 are available. In 2014 grants were awarded to pipestone area Friends; 1,000, Friends of the wentworth Library; 1,000, and Friends of the albany Library; 200. 3. The literary landmark grant: the organization partnered with united for libraries, the john hassler foundation, central lakes college and the brainerd public Library to establish a literary landmark designation john hassler in brainerd, mn. 4. New in 2014, the chris d. olson memorial event and programming grant provides grants to Friends groups who need extra funds for a Library program, event, or fundraising activity. One grant was awarded to madelia Friends of the Library for 1,200. 5. New in 2014, the once upon a reader matching grant, in conjunction with the crplsa, helps statewide Friends groups defray the cost of early reader take-home materials. Friends groups in albany, new york mills, anoka county, park rapids, rochester, and brainerd received grants ranging from 50 to 200.
Other program activities include interaction with national and regional Library organizations through conference participation, contributions and memberships.
Member communication and information continues to be a primary focus of the organization and is ever-expanding with social media and internet - based communication capabilities. The newsletter continues to be a part of these efforts and is sent to 160 members, libraries, and Library associations. Electronic communication has become a more important component of how the organization keeps members and the broader Minnesota Library communities informed about developments affecting Library Friends and their libraries. The organization's grant opportunities are also made available through all these community communication services. Newsletter production and mailing costs comprised $1,932 of the total program cost of $8,261.
The workshop program was established in 2012 and delivers workshops throughout the state which stress strategy and action for libraries and Library Friends organizations. In 2019 free workshops entitled "storming the forts: Library services on the move" were provided in three Minnesota communities. Over 73 attendees learned different ways to share their Library stories and generate support for their programs through effective advocacy efforts. Participants also networked and shared ideas with other organizations facing similar challenges.
Members receive valuable resources that further the mission of the organization