Program areas at Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
Clean energy and climate change: mcea's climate team strives to achieve equitable, economy-wide greenhouse gas reductions, while encouraging equitable community and institutional resilience to adapt to unavoidable climate change. Mcea was instrumental in the coalition that supported major updates to the state's policies on climate change, including updated goals for reducing greenhouse gases and a rapid transition to 100% clean energy. Mcea's legal and policy experts work to enforce and implement those new laws by supporting long-term development of modern and sustainable energy sources for Minnesota and shifting away from fossil fuel use to reduce carbon pollution. To support this goal, mcea serves as legal counsel for several Minnesota clean energy organizations.
Water quality: mcea's water quality program focuses on protecting Minnesota's greatest natural resource and economic asset: its water. Minnesotans rely on our water for drinking, recreation, travel, a wide variety of economic activity, and well-being. Mcea works to protect surface and groundwater by securing more effective controls on "forever chemicals", agricultural runoff, and pollution. Mcea also seeks to protect lake superior from the dual threats of pollution and invasive species. Mcea partners with communities to protect local drinking water sources from a wide range of threats that undermine public health. Mcea also acts as a watchdog to assure that clean water funds from the legacy amendment and lottery funds are targeted effectively.
Northeast Minnesota program: this program works to protect the land, water, and people of northeastern Minnesota, and to promote a safe and healthy future for all northeastern minnesotans. Mcea works to protect northeastern Minnesota communities and waters from mining pollution, especially sulfide mining pollution, by holding state agencies accountable in permitting and enforcement processes. Mcea also works to protect and enhance northeastern Minnesota lands, forests, and biodiversity, especially for climate resilience. This program is designed to partner with local communities most affected by historic pollution, and build bridges to new partners, including those with whom our views may not always align.
Healthy communities: Environmental harms fall more heavily on some communities that are historically and disproportionately affected by Environmental impacts and pollution. In these areas, Environmental laws are ignored or enforced in such a way to protect polluters, not the community. Mcea's Advocacy focuses on building and protecting healthy communities for all. The healthy communities program leverages mcea's legal skills, organizational resources, and access to decision-makers to build power for communities and fight for Environmental justice alongside our partners. Mcea is proud to have dedicated and general funding to support Environmental justice work, and aims to integrate Environmental justice principles into every aspect of its work.