Program areas at Minnesota Family Council
Over the years, mfc has gained the confidence and respect of elected officials and others through personal integrity, consistent focus on a christ-centered biblical perspective on policy, respectful consideration of opposing legislative perspectives, refusal to become immersed in a single-issue agenda and our growing, influential grassroots base. The media and even our ideological opponents look to us for legislative information and a pro-family perspective.minnesota Family Council issues informational updates and commentaries sent out to thousands of Minnesota homes and businesses via email and direct mail. These communications feature inside information on legislative activity during the sessions, analysis of legislative voting records, cultural analysis and insightful pro-family perspective on news and issues impacting the Family in the public arena, from a biblical worldview perspective.minnesota Family Council has also exercised influence over the public debate through news releases, press conferences and a general strategy of appearing in the media. Spokespersons have appeared on national and regional television broadcasts, been interviewed numerous times on radio and television, and been quoted by many regional and national media organizations. Based on christians' calling to "practice citizenship worthy of the gospel of christ" (philippians 1:27), Minnesota Family Council has organized pro-life and pro-family citizens across the state into a grassroots network as a "salt and light" christian influence on public policy on a variety of issues and to mobilize faithful voters in elections faithful to vote, consistent with their faith and biblical values (matthew 5:13-16). For the 2022 election, mfc continued its redesigned voter guide, previously produced by mfc's educational arm, mfi, especially for use in churches, emphasizing "the power of biblical citizenship". This is god-centered christian citizenship for the sake of the gospel of jesus christ, the only power on earth that can truly change hearts, minds, lives, and cultures.defending religious freedom, protecting the sanctity of life, and upholding god's design for marriage, sexuality and Family have been prominent among the issues on which Minnesota Family Council has engaged. To activate its grassroots network, Minnesota Family Council employs a wide range of communications channels to reach thousands of constituent households with timely action alerts. These action alerts identify social issues of significant magnitude that need immediate response from concerned citizens. Constituents are encouraged to contact their legislators and leaders of other public institutions, to write letters to the editors of the community newspapers of their choice using our online advocacy tools, and get out and vote. These tools have encouraged a groundswell of grassroots activism that has been acknowledged by elected officials and opposition groups alike, as they have seen its influence in the state.