Program areas at Minnesota State University Mankato Foundation
The organization provides student aid opportunities for students to receive academic scholarships, athletic talent grants, and other awards and scholarships.
The organization provides support for the development of students and staff through conferences, conventions, workshops, meetings, speakers, and other professional development activities. The organization provides support for staff and student salaries, supplies, equipment rental, printing, postage, and other expenses used to assist daily educational operations and activities.
The organization provides support to various academic and athletic programs, clubs, and conferences of the University. Support for University athletic programs - $653,893. Support for facilities for various academic programs - $96,200. Support for University music programs - $10,900. Support for theatre & dance programs - $74,761. Support of the center for rural behavioral health - $350,000. Support for University auxiliary programs - $50,176. Support for equipment and facilities for various athletics programs - $64,933. Support for the maverick rec n read program - $50,000.