Program areas at Mir Ministries
Widows Ministry In 2023, Mir continued serving 500 widows through monthly visitation, food assistance distribution and medical assistance. Due to Russias invasion of Ukraine, Mir also completed 5 housing/construction restoration projects for the elderly in previously occupied areas in Ukraine. Projects included replacing windows, doors, and roofs from war related shelling. Mir provided 100 MP3 audio bibles, as well as distribution of Bibles throughout Ukraine.
Discipleship Evangelism Lighthouse Ukraine provided warm, safe space for the community in Rzhyschiv, Ukraine throughout 2023 including hosting pyschological trauma resources for soldiers wives and various Christian outreaches. In Romania, Lighthouse expanded in 2023 by forming a new leadership team for the development of a new Lighthouse Cluj youth outreach platform. In December of 2023 Lighthouse signed a lease and began renting space in Romania for Mirs next youth discipleship program. Our staff provided a number of Christian leadership events for churches and friends in Romania, including hosting a conference for the Methodist Church in Romania.
Humanitarian Aid Refugee Relief Mir continued to provide housing and refugee assistance in Romania for families through March 31, 2023 and asisting transitting families existing Ukraine. In addition, Mir serve spouses of soldiers that were drafted. We hosted a year long campaign of both online and in-person mental health programs. We provided psychologist support, trauma care, food, actitivites, family specific events, and support groups. Expenses went to our Ukranian staff stipends, psycologist network fees, Zoom license, marketing materials, and blessings/gifts to the families. We also supported some Ukrainian families impacted by the war through some monthly financial support, as well as transit/travel expenses for relocation.