Program areas at Miracle of Love
Housing opportunities for persons with aids - Miracle of Love, Inc. is funded to provide housing services to clients that are infected with hiv/aids. This program offers a broad range of activities necessary to process and sustain eligible clients for assistance. Miracle of Love, inc.'s housing supportive services includes clients enrollment and intake processing, eligibility assessment, assisting clients in gaining access to local, state and federal government benefits, assisting clients in obtaining affordable houisng and hud-required client reporting.
High impact prevention: program provide hiv prevention services that consists of hiv testing, comprehensive prevention for hiv-positives persons, prevention for hiv-negative persons at increased risk for hiv infections, community-level prevention, and referral and navigation to prevention and essential support services. High impact prevention (hip) is funded by the Florida department of health. This program focuses on hiv prevention for positive individuals. There are two components of the program:a) healthy relationships which is a group level intervention for hiv positive individuals who have issues with disclosure of their hiv status to their partners or loved ones.b) business responds to aids project (brta). This program involves mol outreach workers asking businesses to make a one-year commitment to endorsement, support or participate in hiv aids awareness by keeping the mol project logo and materials visible at their businesses. Through their participation, businesses will agree to display the brta logo and printed materials; distribute project and point-of-purchase materials; and talk with customers and employees about hiv/aids.
Ryan white part a: the ryan white medical case management and referral for healthcare and support services program provides hiv-related services for those who do not have sufficient health care coverage or financial resources for coping with hiv. It is a client-centered service designed to link clients to healthcare in an effort to promote disease management, treatment adherence and improved health outcomes.
Topwa: this is a service contract that provides outreach, education, and linkage for women of childbearing years focusing on the needs of hiv-infected pregnant women, known as the targeted outreach for pregnant women act(topwa) program. The purpose of the topwa program is to prevent substance abuse exposure of infants and the transmission of hiv to women and their unborn babies. Orange county substance abuse and hiv prevention navigator program for racial/ethnic minorities - samhsa:provide hiv and hepatitis screening and education to individuals identified as high-risk. Link high-risk hiv- individuals to prep services and link hiv+ individuals that qualify for ryan white medical case management services. Clients that are not eligible for ryan white services are refer to a provider that offers free or work on a sliding fee scale. Ensure that staff has continued education thru aetc in the areas of substance abuse, mental health, and proper health care.fiscal sponsorships: the organization's fiscal sponsorship of groups are generally on an on-going basis. The organization accepts funds on behalf of these organizations for specific programs related to hiv/aids. In all cases, the organization has variance power over the fiscal sponsorship contributions it receives. Currently, there are two fiscal sponsorships - bros in convo and divas in dialogue.ryan white part b (rwpb): early intervention services (eis) provide service coordination for clients that are lost to care or out of care defined by the ryan white part b office. The coordination of care services includes county health departments, community-based organizations, aids service organizations, and other ryan white grantees.homeless service networks/rapid re-housing: rrh provides case management services for clients that are literally homeless persons, as defined by hud, residing in emergency shelters or on the streets, or in a place not intended for human habitation. Additionally, rental assistance to maintain housing stability and application and deposit assistance to secure stable housing.