Program areas at MEDA
The community real estate program preserves and produces affordable housing. Since 2015, meda has partnered with other san francisco based non-profit housing developers to acquire or build affordable housing apartment buildings, beginning in 2016, with the assistance of the city and county of san francisco, meda and subsidiaries also began their acquisition and rehabilitation of "small sites" in the Mission district of san francisco with the objective of preserving existing affordable housing. Meda and subsidiaries have acquired 36 "small sites" properties as of december 31, 2023.
Meda is the lead Agency for the mpn program, a federal initiative to help families succeed and students achieve. Meda is collaborating with san francisco united school district and a host of vital community partners to ensure that every child in the Mission district of san francisco is on track to thrive, from cradle to college and beyond.
Meda's asset building programs include workshops and individual coaching to help low-income and moderate-income clients achieve family Economic success. Free programs include: financial capability, business Development, housing opportunities, free tax preparation, and workforce Development.
Mission community loan fund llc dba fondo adelante is organized and operates exclusively to further the following specific charitable purposes of meda: to provide affordable and accessible (a) small business and consumer loan products for persons who have not been able to access the capital needed to operate, expand, or acquire their business or meet their household needs, (b) real estate loan products to facilitate the preservation and creation of affordable residential and commercial real estate, and c) business coaching support and technical assistance to new and growing small business through the business Development program.
Meda is a data-driven organization that relies on robust client, program, and community-level data to assess needs, design interventions, and determine the effectiveness of its strategies. Evaluation services are key to the data analysis and Development of program strategies and community impact. Evaluation leverages technology, using a human-centered design approach to align data platforms with program needs and strengths, as well as facilitate service delivery. Evaluation services establish a regular cycle of process evaluation, with the goal fo driving program improvement through internal assessment of impact.
Meda's policy program is focused on the advancement of "social change toward a more equitable society," assessing the outcome of policies on the well-being of low-income latino and immigrant communities in san francisco's Mission district and surrounding environments. The policy work organizes and empowers community members to identify systemic inequities, creates and communicates strategic policy positions, and leads the charge on making meaningful policy changes to support the Mission district's most marginalized residents.