Program areas at Mission Guatemala
Mission Guatemala operates a medical clinic that provides access to medical treatment and laboratory analytical services to members of the rural and underserved communities in western Guatemala. The clinic also provides low-cost medicines, as prescribed by the clinic doctor. No one is denied service. The clinic served approximately 3,151 patients in the past year.
The organization uses volunteers from churches and other organizations in the united states to aid in community development by the construction of needed facilities at schools and the community at large. These construction projects are done in partnership with communities who help define their needs in the areas of health, education and nutrition. Examples would be handwashing sinks at schools, recreation areas at schools, kitchens for school food preparation, community health centers, and classrooms.
Mission Guatemala supplies the advancement of education within the rural communities of western Guatemala. These programs are in the form of structured scholarships to support primary school education, limited post- primary schoalrships, and vocational training programs.
Mission Guatemala coordinates a variety of nutritional programs in rural communities to children ranging in ages from 6 months old to those graduating from 6th grade. Chronic malnutrition is a growing issue in Guatemala. Over half of the children in rural areas suffer from chronic childhood malnutrition, which can lead to stunting and other growth developmental issues which impact a child throughout their entire life.