Program areas at Mission Arlington
Mission Metroplex continues its exempt purpose by meeting the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs of the community. The taxpayer provides and afterschool tutoring program with approximately 1,626 students in attendance each week. In the spring, an easter egg hunt was held with an attendance of 3,330. On thanksgiving day, 4,668 volunteers delivered hot meals and turkey baskets to 6,953 families. In 2023,30,752 people received free gifts from the annual "christmas store," angel tree, and adopt-a- family programs. Through the year 195,972 people received emergency assistance in the form of rent or utilities, clothes, food, furniture, and direct delivery of food at no cost.
Mission Metroplex provides free medical care five days and one evening per week to the uninsured and underinsured. Patients are seen on a first-come, first-serve basis. The medical clinic provided 12,601 office visits in 2023. The patients are cared for by volunteer doctors and often receive medication free of charge through donations from drug manufacturers. The medical clinic also coordinates efforts with other community health providers to arrange free prescriptions, free specialist care, and in some cases, free surgeries in order to provide the people in the community with the greatest need with the best possible care.
Mission Metroplex provides free dental care to the residents of arlington, kennedale and mansfield. The clinic staff is primarily volunteer dentists, assistants and hygienists. In 2023, patients were seen 3,474 times. The primary goal of the dental clinic is to assist patients who have fallen through the cracks of traditional care. They either cannot afford dental visits or insurance, or do not qualify for medicaid, but after visiting the free dental clinic, they can return to work of school pain free.
See form 990, part iii - additional information line 4d.