Program areas at Mission Support Network
As a primarily mission organization, MSN helped 22 missionaries this year fulfill their calling to train, evangelize, reach those trapped in poverty, and assist refugees in war-torn countries. MSN provides prayer, counseling, training, and housing costs. Some of our missionaries live and serve in extraordinary circumstances. For example, this year we provided for two missionaries in southern Costa Rica so that they could meet the needs of the poor. Our supported missionaries do incredible things in the U.S. and abroad because of our support.
MSN appreciates the mission work of other non-profits and churches. We support their efforts when they align with the vision of MSN, especially ministries which are focused on church planting, discipleship, and providing for at-risk children who are underserved due to poverty. For example, this year we provided funds for the education of children with special needs.
In Ghana and Kenya, Africa, MSNs primary focus is outreach, caring for pastors/leaders and their families, and assisting at-risk children. This year we provided housing, food, and equipment for many poor rural leaders. We provided resources to small group churches meeting twice a week so that they increased from 120 to 180 groups in Ghana. We provided food and resources to drought-striken areas of Kenya. In Malawi, MSN provided funds for a training event for rural pastors. Also, MSN provided tuition for orphans in Eldoret, Kenya and provided additional materials and equipment to our school in Ghana.