Program areas at MCA
Head start - early head startmobile Community Action, Inc. (mca) head start program is funded to serve 971 low-income children ages 3-5 and 140 infants and toddlers and their families. Mca head start-early head start is the largest early childhood program in the Mobile, al metropolitan area. We have a strong and solid foundation of excellence in the field of early childhood development and a proven track record of serving low-income families.more than a traditional child care, mca head start promotes school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive development of children through the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social and comprehensive services to enrolled children and families.
Community services block grant -Community services block grant is a supplemental funding for programs and services which serve low-income individuals and/or families to fill gaps in Community services. Provided funding is available, the organization can assist with mortgage/rent assistance and/or emergency utility assistance.
Liheap -the low income home energy assistance program (liheap) is a federally funded program provided through a grant from the Alabama department of economic and Community affairs (adeca) that assists eligible low-income households with their heating and cooling energy costs.these programs are especially vital during the cold months of winter and during the hot summer months when the process of heating and cooling can place a huge strain on the family budget. This program helps to reduce the risk of health and safety problems such as illness, fire, or eviction.
Child care and adult food program - the cacfp program reimburses head start/early head start program for every breakfast, lunch and snack served to the head start and early head start program. These reimbursement funds cover the cost of food, food service staff salaries (approx. 80%), kitchen supplies and kitchen equipment. These funds average about $841,857 per year. Meals must follow the usda standards for both quality and quantity. Over 481,600 meals are served to the head start children annually.
Weatherization - weatherization is divided into two programs: the u.s department of energy (doe) and the low income weatherization assistance program (liwap). These programs are designed to reduce energy costs for low-income households by increasing the efficiency of their homes, while reinforcing their health and safety.
Other (general fund) - the general fund program provides assistance for low-income clients with ged, and other emergency assistance for low-income households.