Program areas at Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative
Working groups: working groups explore specific use cases within the Mobility industry and establish common means to define, measure, and test quality performance, and security. The product of working groups fosters adoption and reduces time-to-market, facilitates interchange and interoperability, and reduces risk to integrators and users. Vid: the vid working group aims to define a unique digital document that is a verifiable link to a specific vehicle and is a minimum representation of that vehicle's digital twin. Ubi: the ubi working group aims to define general framework which, if followed, allows people to plug-and-play different ubi data sources, identities, and applications. Supply chain: the supply chain working group assesses the value proposition of Blockchain to track the progress and provenance of products and parts moving accross supply chains. Cmdm: the cmdm working group is researching the potential value proposition of Blockchain, work on standards and, potentially, logistc necessary to carry out a pilot program for uses cases in connected Mobility and data marketplace. Finance and securitatization: this group assesses the potential value proposition of Blockchain, work on standards, and potentially, help coordinate logistics necessary to carry out a pilot program for uses cases in finance and securitazation. Evgi: the evgi group investigates the potential value proposition of Blockchain and logistics necessary to carry out a pilot program for uses cases such as peer-to-peer smart contracts, tokenized carbon credits, and vehicle-to-grid (v2g) energy storage and ancilliary services.
Research: through its working groups, mobi implements technical research and develops papers as well as blockchaing standards.
Education: mobi members are able to participate in an Open innovation call once a month. Innovation calls serve to share industry best practices, new technology, and trends in smart Mobility.
Community building - mobi promotes cross-industry dialogue through global colloqiums. Mobi members attend global conferences hosted by mobi to network and brainstrom with organizations who share our vision of greener, safer and more accessible Mobility. Learn about the progress mobi has made and hear ideas from our community members about the future of Mobility.