Program areas at Mommies in Need
Mission: caring for kids so families can access healthcare.1. Mommies in needmommies in Need is a nonprofit organization that supports families by providing safe, loving childcare from expert staff so family members can get the medical care they need.2. In-home communitythrough our in-home program, Mommies in Need sends specially trained, background-checked, cpr-certified nannies into the homes of families to care for the children and create a community of support, all at no cost to families. This program is unique because the nannies are trauma-informed childcare professionals who understand the ways in which these families' circumstances differentiate them from typical childcare needs. Our nannies are also employees of Mommies in Need. This allows us to send the same nanny to the same family for the duration of their contract and means that the moms and children are able to form strong bonds with their nannies, making their care much more meaningful and consistent. This program is funded by individual donations and grants.3. Annie's placeannie's place is a newly constructed, bright, beautiful, licensed childcare center located on the parkland hospital campus. Once a family is enrolled, children can attend the program while their parents or legal guardians attend their own medical appointments. There is no cost to families. Annie's place provides childcare for children ages 0 - 6 years old with some spots available for older children. Our specially trained, bilingual teachers and staff, including social workers and play therapists, understand the unique circumstances involved with a health crisis in the family and are there to give the children a safe, fun, fulfilling experience so the parents or guardians can focus on their health. We offer a comprehensive, research-based curriculum in both english and spanish. We have four classrooms, customized by age, and an indoor play area. We provide healthy snacks and a hot lunch every day. Diapers, wipes, formula, and bottles are provided. If needed, breast milk can be stored on site. This program is funded by grants and individual donations. Annie's place also provides emergency and backup childcare to hospital staff.4. Play therapy (sponsored by crystal charity ball)our play therapy program supports parents who are experiencing a health crisis. We know one of the ways we can best support parents is to support their kids because a diagnosis is stressful for everyone in the family. Our licensed play therapist will support a parent by sharing the developmentally appropriate way to tell a child about a medical condition, how to discipline children with anxiety, depression, aggression, adhd and other internalizing and externalizing behaviors, and help navigate a "new normal". Once a family is enrolled, we can offer children ages 3-12 years old 10 free sessions. Our play therapist will help children learn to express emotions and modify behaviors, address emotional and behavioral concerns related to a parent's diagnosis, and help them process a family member's medical condition. There is no cost to families. This program is funded for its first three years by crystal charity ball.6. Pop-up childcaremommies in Need partners with other nonprofits and hospitals to provide complimentary onsite childcare at other locations to enable families to focus on their medical needs. Childcare during meetings, focus groups, and specialized appointments, to name a few, is provided at no cost to families. We are open to other ways to provide childcare so that families can continue with their medical appointments, treatments, and recoveries. Mommies in Need is actively seeking other nonprofits and health clinics for collaboration. These services are funded by individual donations and grants.