EIN 02-0222157

Monadnock Community Hospital (MCH)

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
NTEE code, primary
The primary purpose of Monadnock Community Hospital (MCH) is to ensure access to quality health care for patients in our community, regardless of their ability to pay.
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at MCH

The primary purpose of Monadnock Community Hospital (MCH) is to ensure access to quality health care for patients in our community, regardless of their ability to pay. The following is a summary of the services MCH provides in an effort to fulfill its mission, together with key program statistics for fiscal year 2023.Inpatient Services - Includes: adult stays, maternity/births, and swing bed nursing. During the fiscal year, the Hospital admitted 1,122 patients and recorded 3,712 patient days. Emergency Services - MCH offers health services 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Responsible for the immediate treatment of any medical or surgical emergency; for initiating life saving procedures in all types of emergency situations; and for providing emergency and initial evaluations and treatment for other conditions including minor illnesses and injuries, and sub-acute medical problems. During the year, there were 13,353 visits to the ER. Physician Practices - Family health services, programs, and education are integral components of healthcare at MCH. Inpatient and outpatient primary care includes: medical, surgical, psychological and specialist services, provided by physicians and mid-level practitioners. These are located at the Hospital and its four satellite practices located in Antrim, Jaffrey, New Ipswich, and Rindge. During the year, 57,400 primary care office visits were recorded. Surgical Services - Includes same day and short-term inpatient surgery. MCH provides surgery in the areas of orthopaedics, general surgery, OB/GYN, ophthalmology, urology, ENT, and podiatry. In addition, the Hospital offers some non-surgical procedures including colonoscopies, gastroscopies, and pain management injections. During the fiscal year, 2,091 procedures were performed. Radiology and Diagnostics - MCH provides advanced radiological technology and extensive imaging services including: bone density, MRI, CT, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, mammography, and other diagnostic procedures, both inpatient and outpatient. During the fiscal year, 33,581 exams were performed. Rehabilitation Services - Additionally, MCH serves the people of the Monadnock Region through its medical rehabilitation and fitness services. MCH offers rehabilitation programs for cardiac and diabetic rehabilitation, along with pulmonary fitness, which feature educational and exercise components. We also provide physical and occupational therapy, as well as speech rehabilitation. During the fiscal year, 70,879 procedures were recorded for these services. Monadnock Community Hospital's Financial Grant Program provides assistance with hospital and/or physician bills for qualifying patients. In fiscal year 2023, the Organization recorded $517,000 in charges foregone based on established rates. The estimated cost incurred to provide these services was $266,807. In addition, Monadnock Community Hospital provided other services to the community at no cost or reduced cost, such as screenings and clinics. The cost of providing these services was approximately $3,549,000 in fiscal year 2023.

Grants made by MCH

GranteeGrant descriptionAmount
Bahais of Peterborough Town - 4522 Peterborough TownFor the Benefit of the Peterborough Ambulance$7,500
Community Volunteer Transportation CompanySupport No-Fee Transportation To Those in Need in the Monadnock Region$6,750

Who funds Monadnock Community Hospital (MCH)

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift FundFor Grant Recipient's Exempt Purposes$43,850
Foundation for Healthy CommunitiesSupport for General Operations.$17,780
Grimshaw-Gudewicz Charitable Foundation A Shabshelowitz Co-TrusteeOperating$15,000
...and 7 more grants received

Personnel at MCH

Richard D ScheinblumVice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer$238,719
Daniel Perli, MDChief Nursing Officer$429,160
John SansoneChief Medical Officer
Laura A. GingrasExecutive Vice President - Administration
Vicki Campanile, RNVice President of Philanthropy and Community Relations
...and 13 more key personnel

Financials for MCH

RevenuesFYE 09/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$2,549,679
Program services$108,750,614
Investment income and dividends$2,801,260
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$50,379
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$194,671
Net income from fundraising events$2,465
Net income from gaming activities$1,201
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$0
Total revenues$114,350,269

Form 990s for MCH

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-092024-08-14990View PDF
2022-092023-08-14990View PDF
2021-092022-08-15990View PDF
2020-092021-08-13990View PDF
2019-092020-10-15990View PDF
...and 10 more Form 990s

Organizations like MCH

Cape Regional Medical CenterCape May Court House, NJ$139,824,806
Phelps Memorial Hospital CenterWestbury, NY$419,911,454
Lake Regional Health SystemOsage Beach, MO$240,367,087
Northwestern Medical Center (NMC)Saint Albans, VT$127,734,095
Alice Hyde Medical Center (AHMC)Malone, NY$94,361,201
Mount Desert Island HospitalBar Harbor, ME$85,474,752
Evangelical Community HospitalLewisburg, PA$259,590,133
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist High Point Medical CenterHigh Point, NC$437,740,981
Backus HospitalNorwich, CT$556,028,079
Mount Auburn HospitalCambridge, MA$366,578,629
Data update history
September 28, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2023
September 23, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 4 new personnel
September 22, 2024
Used new vendors
Identified 2 new vendors, including , and
August 25, 2024
Received grants
Identified 4 new grant, including a grant for $17,780 from Foundation for Healthy Communities
May 19, 2024
Received grants
Identified 1 new grant, including a grant for $1,000 from The Baddour Family Foundation
Nonprofit Types
HospitalsHealth organizationsHeadquarter / parent organizations
HealthDiseases and disorders
LobbyingFundraising eventsReceives government fundingEndowed supportProvides scholarshipsFundraising races, competitions, and tournamentsTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
452 Old Rd
Peterborough, NH 03458
Metro area
Manchester-Nashua, NH
Hillsborough County, NH
Website URL
(603) 924-7191
Twitter profile
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
E22: Hospital, General
NAICS code, primary
622: Hospitals
Parent/child status
Central organization
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