Program areas at Monahans Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Commerce:The Chamber brings activities and events that preserve and continue to improve the economic and social well-being of the community.
Tourism:To promote the community in order to attract visitors to the City by supporting all envents that bring in visitors form the oil and gas industry, the schools and sporting events, the Monahans Sandhills State Park, the Million Barrel Museum, the Rattlesnake Bomber Base World War II Museum and the ranching industry.
Women's Division of the Chamber:This organization's goal is to help improve the quality of life in Monahans by taking on projects that require a broad base of volunteers and action. The Women's Division has taken on the task of helping feed needy children during the school off season to insure that those children that were receiving free and reduced price lunches with have a meal during the school break. This program is called "Food 2 Kids". The Women's Division also helps with many civic events and the "Beautification" projects.
Marquee:To promote events in the community,to inform the community of activities relating to Monahans that need community involvment and volunteers and to promote the businesses and members of the chamber of commerce.
Ambassadors:The Ambassadors organization is comprised of active civic minded individuals that donate their time and effort to promote the City at all types of events throughout the year. This requires their presence at sporting events, City functions, ribbon cuttings, and special events.
Miss Monahans:Promote high school women students into civic participation in the community and have them compete for scholarships and to select an overall winner to serve as Miss Monahans for a year as an ambassador to the city.
Beautification:To take on projects that enhance the city. This involves entrances to the City and locations throughout the City requiring planning and coordination with other governmental agencies in the community and requires large volunteer efforts.