Program areas at Montana Nonprofit Association
Professional and organizational development (pod): in 2023, mna served over 5,000 Nonprofit professionals through its programming. As a result of mna's offerings, Nonprofit organizations across Montana expanded their use of technology, adopted new data-driven and innovative capacity-building solutions, and gained access to affordable and no-cost training to increase their resilience. Specifically, mna offered two learning cohorts, seven affinity groups, and several trainings focused on capacity-building solutions such as financial leadership, board governance, and human resources, a fundraising summit, and an annual conference attended by 1,743 Nonprofit professionals across the state. Additionally, mna partnered with local communities to provide leadership and connection in rural areas, offering training, resources, and supporting capacity building. All this was accomplished while also offering Nonprofit technical assistance through one-on-one and organizational consulting, a well-developed and curated online resource library, hosting virtual town halls on issues impacting the Nonprofit sector, and publishing white papers, reports, and toolkits on a variety of relevant topics.
Advocacy and Public Policy: MNAs communications programming increases efficiency for organizational staff and leaders who look to MNA to curate the immense amount of information and resources available. MNAs list-serve grew by 17% in 2022, to 4,800 subscribers with an average open rate on e-mails of approximately 35%. 134 organizations participated in MNAs 2022 Montana Nonprofit Wage and Benefit survey, resulting in a robust report which was one of the most requested products of the year. MNA offered consistent and timely public policy updates and encouraged advocacy on federal issues of interest to the nonprofit sector. In 2022 MNA undertook several membership surveys and worked with its 20 member Public Policy Council to prepare for the upcoming Montana Legislative Session. The Public Policy agenda was expanded to include Civic Engagement, and also prioritized advocacy for housing and childcare as workforce issues.
MEMBERSHIP: In partnership with MORE THAN 800 members, MNA builds visibility, voice and cohesiveness within Montana's nonprofit sector. On behalf of our members, MNA deepens awareness and understanding of nonprofits in Montana through advocacy and information. MNA's e-news is distributed monthly to a listserve of over 4,200 subscribers, ensuring timely and useful nonprofit information and resources are disseminated across the MNA network. MNA informs and engages nonprofits in advocacy on broad, sector-wide issues that impact them, including tax exemption and charitable giving issues.