Program areas at Moody Gardens
Construction/maintenance/renovation of facilities at Moody Gardens for the park board of trustees.
Operation of public facilities at Moody Gardens for the park board of trustees.
Operation of the golf course for the city of galveston
Revenues received from the operation of a hotel, public beach, convention center, animal habitat, botanical Gardens, therapeutic programs for the handicapped, theater productions, museum, educational programs, and other permanent or seasonal exhibits and/or attractions for the park board of the city of galveston. Revenues are derived from admissions, rentals, concessions, and food and beverage sales related to operations consistent with its charitable status as an organization that lessens burdens of government.
Revenues received from the operation of the municipal golf course for the city of galveston. Revenues are derived from greens fees, rentals, concessions, merchandise and food and beverage sales related to operations consistent with its charitable status as an organization that lessens burdens of government.
Settlement revenue was received during fye 9/30/2023 for lost program-related revenue in several prior years.