Program areas at MorningStar Mission Ministries
MorningStar Mission Ministries provides emergency, long term and transitional housing for men, women and children in Joliet, IL. During 2023, they provided 27,760 nights of stay. Additionally, they provided 3,384 case management services, 613 professional counseling sessions, and served 108,856 hot meals to the community. They operate 7 Hope Houses to assist graduates with transitioning to homes of their own.
Community Outreach services include a Drop In Center, Holiday meals, Back to School supplies and Christmas gifts. The Drop in Center provides a safe environment for those experiencing homelessness to spend daytime hours in a safe environment, locate resources for assistance with their challenges and speak with case manager. The Drop In Center alse serves as a warming and cooling center during the extreme hot and cold months.630 baskets of food were provided for the Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas holidays. 578 students were provided back to school supplies through our Jump on the Bus outreach and approximately 200 low income families received gifts for Christmas. Food, clothing and household item vouchers were provided to all participants in our programs and others in need.
Our Treasure Chest Stores (thrift stores) in Joliet and New Lenox provides opportunties for those in our programs to develop job training skills and provides emergency vouchers for families who cannot afford clothing or furniture.