Program areas at Morris County Organization for Hispanic Affairs
The purpose of the weatherization program is to increase the energy efficiency of residences occupied by low-income persons, particularly the elderly, those with disabilities and family's with children. This program serves all income eligible residences of Morris County, new jersey, regardless of ethnicity.
The Organization provides transportation monday through friday for children, adults and senior citizens. Rides are available within Morris County to pre-school, social services, healthcare provides, job interviews and other necessary appointments.
The home energy assistance program helps eligible low-income households meet their home heating and or cooling needs.
Form 990, part iii, line 1, description of Organization mission: participation. Form 990, part iii, line 4d, other program services: the outreach program provides case management, translations, interpretation services, notary public services, advocacy,general information and referrals. The education program includes immigration and citizenship classes for individuals who intend to become american citizens. It also provides english as a second language and computer training to other organizations at their request the center for citizenship and legal immigration provides low cost legal srvices and representation to individuals seeking to become american citizens form 990, part vi, section b, line 11: explanation: form 990 is distributed to the executive director and all board members for review prior to filing. Form 990, part vi, section b, line 12c: explanation: employees and board of directors are required to sign a conflict of interest policy annually. Form 990, part vi, section b, line 15: explanation: all positions including top management compensation are based on data from similar not for profit organizations with similar service areas. Form 990, part vi, section c, line 18: eplanation: the Organization makes its form 1023 and 990 available for puclic inspection upon request. Form 990, part vi, section c, line 19: explanation: the Organization makes its governing documents, conflict of interst policy and financial statment available to the public upon request. Form 990, xii, line 2c: explanation: the oversight process has not changed from the prior year.