Program areas at Mt Si Senior Center
Snoqualmie Valley Transportation provides local transportation options including rides for seniors, individuals with disabilities, at-risk youth, people living on low or fixed incoes and the general public in and between the cities and rural areas including North Bend, Snoqualmie, Fall City, Preston, Carnation, Duvall, and Monroe. The services offered include demand response, circulator and fixed routes.
The Organization operates a senior center located in North Bend, Washington. The Center provides programs and services to adults age 50 and older. Daily offerings include lunch, fitness clases, health screenings, wellness programs, resource navigtion, volunteer opportunities, recreational programs and social activities.
The Organization operates a 28-unit apartment complex, known as Cascade ParkApartments, in North Bend, Washington. Cascade Park Apartments is regulated by the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development (USDA-RD) which has restrictions on eligible tenants, rent charges and operating methods. The Organization receives rental subsidy and an interest credit as part of its agreements with USDA-RD. Sno Ridge Apartments LLC owns and operates a 40-unit apartment complex, known as Sno Ridge Apartments, in North Bend, Washington. Sno Ridge Apartments is regulated by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which hasrestrictions on eligible tenants, rent charges and operating methods. The Organization receives rental subsidy as part of its agreements with HUD.