Program areas at Mu Alpha Theta
Scholarships, grants, and awards - in 2022, Mu Alpha Theta supported 8 members with summer study grants. These summer grants provided up to 2,000 per recipient in tuition funding and travel and living expenses. The summer study programs our members attended were intended for high-achieving High School students and were comprised of higher-level Mathematics courses, including abstract and applied Mathematics topics. Some programs offered the opportunity for students to do independent research using Mathematics at the highest levels. The organization supported the activities of its chapters with 1 chapter grant of 1,000 and 6 competition grants. The organization also served its members by providing a need based scholarship to the
Mu Alpha Theta provided awards at science fairs around the country for outstanding research projects involving Mathematics accessible to High School students. At the regeneron international science and engineering fair, 6,000 in award money was presented to 5 students with the top Mathematics projects as deemed by Mu Alpha Theta's judges. Mu Alpha Theta provided support for scholarships to its educational foundation this year, including funds to support the educational foundation's annual national convention. 500 Mu Alpha Theta members and sponsors (teachers) attended the 2023 national convention. Attendees met for three days to take topic tests such as analytic geometry, limits/derivatives, statistics, number theory, and many others, and individual tests on multiple math topics. There were team math contests, speed and mental math tests, and a math-themed poster design contest. Some students prepared a math "chalk talk" on a selected math topic to present to an audience by zoom. Students attend speaker sessions presented by mathematicians. The national convention allowed students who love math to interact with like-minded peers.
Mu Alpha Theta, the national High School and Two-Year College Mathematics Honor society, continued to support several Mathematics competitions. Students who compete in Mathematics competitions often enjoy Mathematics and pursue the topic at higher levels, which may include pursuing a Mathematics, science, or Mathematics education career. The log1 contest, rocket city math league competition, and mathematical minutes video contest served more than 4,000 participants in the u.s. and in foreign countries. These competitions were offered free of charge. The rocket city math league was open to all middle-school through Two-Year College students. Prizes included certificates, trophies, plaques, mathematical games, and puzzles. In Mu Alpha Theta's free math minutes video contest, students made fun, educational, short videos to teach math lessons to other students. Videos were scored on their originality, accuracy, and "wow" factor. Winners' videos were posted online and their chapters were given cash awards. Mu Alpha Theta supported the american Mathematics competition and the u.s. Mathematics olympiad team by providing financial support and prizes to finalists. The organization also provided prizes and financial support to 11 additional organizations' math competitions. Mu Alpha Theta gave ti graphing calculators to chapters that requested them. Receiving chapters used the calculators as prizes for their math contests, auctioned the calculators for fundraisers, or gave them away as awards to talented chapter members. Mu Alpha Theta also provided other prizes to chapters running math competitions for middle School and High School students.