Program areas at Music Center of the Northwest
Music Instruction: MCNW provides individual and group instruction to students of all ages and abilities. Individual instruction is offered for harp, koto, piano, music theory, ukulele and all brass, woodwind and string instruments. Group classes are offered for Choirs, Music Together, Jazz Combos, Orchestra, Ensembles and Suzuki Strings. Royal Conservatory Certification is also available. In 2022-2023, Music Center saw record enrollment with over 600 participants each week.
Outreach: Outreach programming, such as partnerships with Listen and Talk, Seattle Public Library and schools, bringing free music programming into diverse youth audiences, sparking their passion for music and creative expression.
Music Therapy: Music Therapy specializes in working with people of all ages, including neurodiverse children, teens and adults, in particular those who have received a diagnosis of Autism, ADHD or Down Syndrome; and older adults experiencing dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and other neurodegenerative diseases. Areas of focus may include language and self-expression, motor coordination, academic skills, self-advocacy and other goals, all while recognizing and building on each client's unique strengths and abilities.
Around the Sound
Emerald City Women's Choir
Other General Program