Program areas at Music Serving the Word Ministries
Ravenscroft is an outreach ministry of msw that is dedicated to presenting creativity that gives glory to god. In 2022, ravenscroft presented 74 events that were open to the public, ranging from jazz and chamber concerts to contemplative events like soulrest. We also leveraged our unparalleled facilities for humanitarian aid, with concerts benefitting local worthy charities. In 2022, ravenscroft sold over $107,000 in tickets with at least 6,000 people in attendance at events over the year.
Valley jazz cooperative offered instruction to area Music students,focusing on jazz and the art of improvisation. the program served 22 students fromnine different area schools, as well as one homeschooled student. the students performed concerts in ravenscroft hall in march and may 2022. In december, the vjc began its seventh year of educational activities, with 26 students involved. These individuals come from eight different area schools, as well as one homeschooled student. the vjc aspires to have its participants go back to their schools, churches, and communities and make meaningful contributions in leadership and creativity there.
Rpm's ministry is impacting pastors, leaders, and learners. the need to carefor our souls has always been essential. However, it feels that outside pressures onchristian leadership today are extreme.encouraging, training, mentoring, and spiritual direction for pastors, leaders, andlearners in the trenches, is a ministry needed because much is at stake.msw Ministries helps encourage and strengthen christian leadership through itsprayers and support provided to rpm.
Ministry to churches of various demominational backgrounds