Program areas at Pro-Choice Minnesota
Organizing events and actions through our campus organizing and clinic escort programs;-continued the volunteer clinic escort training program at the only clinic in greater Minnesota, we health clinic located in duluth.-recruited volunteers to complete more shifts as clinic escorts at the three independent abortion providers in Minnesota. (we health clinic, whole woman's health, and robbinsdale p.a. ).-had campus representatives on 7 campuses across the state. (university of Minnesota, macalester, st. olaf, carleton, st. Cloud state university, winona, and university of Minnesota duluth).-recruited nearly 2,000 dues-paying members into the Pro-Choice movement.
Lobbying at the legislature to stop anti-choice legislation and support pro-active, pregnancy prevention initiatives;-one full-time lobbyist-in 2023, Pro-Choice Minnesota's leading public policy initiatives focused on making sure patients can safely access reproductive health care and expanded access to abortion care and contraception. -major success for this year were a proactive legislative agenda, and a successful Pro-Choice lobby day. Educating legislators, the public and the media about the depth and breadth of Pro-Choice support in Minnesota; -hosted numerous fake women's health centers protests across the state. (minneapolis, st. paul, robbinsdale, crystal, duluth, winona)-lobbied and rallied against anti-choice policy that would have dictated the conversation between and doctor and a person seeking abortion care.-a rally at the capital to raise awareness about how u.s. supreme court decisions impact state policy and access.-briefed Pro-Choice Minnesota members on legislative outlook through phone briefings, email alerts, and website.-consistent voice for the community with media.