Program areas at National Alliance for Mentally Illiness of Champlain Valley
our Peer Recovery Center's mission is to provide peer connected, community based outreach services to individuals recovering from mental illness in Clinton County, NY. The program focuses on increasing protective factors and decreasing risk factors. There is an array of services including: skill building, social support and peer networking. The center functions as a hub for peer recovery supports, including self help groups. It provides an environment that supports and promotes recovery and recovery related activities, wellness and preventions. In addition to this the center provides opportunities for socializing, leadership development and for the recovery community to interface with the greater community. Note: Expenses shown above (and in 4d below) do not include any allocation of administrative services.
Our Outreach Worker program engages hard to serve clients in essential outpatient physical and behavioral health services. In so doing this reduces the use of avoidable hospitalizations and emergency room visits. Many of these individuals have been in services but have since been disconnected. The Outreach Worker accepts referrals from multiple sources, some of which could be mental health outpatient service providers, Adult Protective Service, concerned citizens and families. This program has access to "wrap around" service dollars to utilize for a one-time funding that can remedy immediate issues of concern. Note: Expenses shown above (and in 4d below) do not include any allocation of administrative services.
Peer Advocacy services are self directed advocacy services offered to individuals affected by mental illness. The services include: Providing 1-1 long term personal advocacy services for adult recipients of mental health services. 100% of those not already linked will be linked to existing community services. 75% of those in need of benefits will successfully obtain benefits. Provide 1-1 short term personal advisory services to recipients of mental health services. Of those receiving short term services, 90% will have obtained a desirable outcome and will be discharged from services. Provide information and referral services to adult recipients of mental health services in Clinton County, NY. 90T of those will be linked to existing community services. Consumer satisfaction surveys will yield a 90% satisfaction to the statement "I have found services at NAMI-CV to be helpful" will yield a 90% satisfaction rate to the question "Would you refer someone in need to this program/service?" Expenses shown above (and in 4d below) do not include any allocation of administrative services.
Other program services include: (1) "SIRS" Program which provides initial contact with prospective clients and after assessing their situation and needs, recommends and assigns them to the appropriate person. (2) "Signs of Suicide" Program that identifies and provides counseling services to at risk high school students, with administration by a licensed social worker. (3) Adirondack ACO - a collaboratie project with the Adirondack ACO and Fidelis targeting high risk Fidelis members with multiple chronic conditions. (5) OMH Workforce Grant