Program areas at NBC
Coalition membershipnational Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions ("National Alliance") and its coalition members are dedicated to driving improvement in health, equity and value through the collective action of public and private plan sponsor purchasers. The National Alliance has a membership of approximately 45 regional Coalitions across the united states representing over 45 million americans. The National Alliance also convenes a National health leadership council made up of stakeholder leaders coming together to discuss and collaborate on key and emerging industry issues at a National and regional level as well as affiliate members who participate in activities to educate on emerging practices and innovations in the marketplace. The National Alliance provides expertise, resources, and a National voice to its member Coalitions across the country.
Products and servicesthe National Alliance conducts multiple National initiatives that serve to drive its mission of improving health equity and value for companies and communities across the country. The products of these efforts can include round tables, learning collaboratives, action briefs, policy briefs, white papers and reports that help to guide efforts of plan sponsors and Coalitions across the country. The National Alliance also conducts surveys to identify and quantify trends and future directions as well as stakeholder assessments to understand and provide a voice of the customer.
Education and trainingnational Alliance holds two major events each year, the annual forum and the leadership summits which highlight efforts of leading employers, the National Alliance and its member Coalitions as well as emerging issues and innovations across the industry. In additon, the National Alliance meets regularly with its member Coalitions to discuss issues related to Healthcare delivery and payment reform, total person and community health as well as health policy. The National Alliance provides and sponsors multiple forums for engagement at both a National and regional level on key issues and emerging trends for consideration by plan sponsors and Coalitions.
Cchi managementchartered in 2005, the community Coalitions health institute (cchi) is a nonprofit affiliate organization of the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions (nahpc), a membership association of business health care Coalitions across the country dedicated to improving health and transforming health care, community by community.
Grants managementnahpc/cchi manages a variety of grants received from various funders and also awards grants to nahpc member Coalitions. These grant activities support our members' efforts to implement value-based purchasing in their communities. Nahpc/cchi ensures appropriate fiscal and program management of all grant-related undertakings.