Program areas at NASPCC
Planned annual meeting with leaders from over 30 State Prostate Cancer Coalitions to educate them on new developments in Prostate Cancer and for the State to share best practices and accomplishments.
Naspcc has created, produced, and now distributes a series of laminates (2-sided laminated durable resources, with one side for patients and the flip side for physicians), on various topics in Prostate Cancer. The laminates are in a question-and-answer format on both sides, and are designed to improve informed discussions between physician and patient to lead to better shared decision-making. The laminates are online at and are available for reprinting as pdf's. Besides distribution, upon request naspcc will also send the actual laminates in bulk for awareness and educational events, as well as to physicians and clinics. Topics already completed include: "informed decision-making; "the role of psa throughout the Prostate Cancer journey; "non-metastatic castrate-resistant Prostate Cancer; "metastatic castrate-sensitive Prostate Cancer; and "imaging in Prostate Cancer". In queue are "testing", "immunotherapy", "bone health", and "pain management in advanced Prostate Cancer". Other suggested topics are welcome.
In june of 2020, naspcc took over publication of prostatepedia magazine and its weekly digest. Due to expanded coverage and readership, naspcc become even more committed to making prostatepedia the gold standard for men and their families looking for solid, objective, and up-to-date information about Prostate Cancer. There are currently more than 20,000 subscribers. Naspcc's goals for 2022 include 8 prostatepedia magazines (2 are supplements) on: radiation therapy; theranostics; adt and anti-androgens; testing; genetics, genomics, and Prostate Cancer; chemotherapy & immunotherapy; imaging; and side effects of treatment. The magazine is archived on naspcc's website (, and is downloadable as a pdf. Each magazine issue has interviews with physicians, scientists, and patients.
Professional fees and other necessary expenses to further the programs and mission of naspcc.