Program areas at National Assistance League
The organization continues to support the growth of volunteerism in chapters with notable highlights for the 2023-2024 fiscal year:during the 2023-2024 year, the organization saw 1,275 attendees at 27 virtual learning circle events who completed over 400 modules in the online portal.member services provided chapters with access to live professional and volunteer coaching support on a variety of topics designed to address specific questions including, but not limited to:- board development/organizational structure- membership- technology- strategic planning- belonging and inclusion- e-commerce/marketplaceduring the 2023-2024 year, the organization received and answered over 1,150 questions from 116 chapters.strategic planning/board development/organizational structure-national Assistance League continued forward progress on the next phase of its strategic planning work following up on its 2021-2024 plan to reimagine the organization with a plan that focuses on the specific strategies for the future operational structure and support of our chapters. The organization engaged association laboratory, a firm which specializes in working with chapter/affiliate-based organizations, to design and lead a process that engaged chapter leaders and individual volunteers to determine the key issues that face our organization. Work continues on the development of the plan, action strategies, and timeline which will be rolled out to chapters in the fall/winter of 2024.also, in 2023-2024, the organization initiated a federated membership program with boardsource, the premier organization dedicated to supporting nonprofit boards and executives on board leadership and governance practices. This membership is available to all chapter board members within the Assistance League network. Technology services and support-the organization offers technology services and support to 92 chapters through their use of a "multi-site" website housed within the organization's website, Additionally, participating chapters may choose to utilize additional "plug-in" services - event manager, volunteer signups/calendar, volunteer hours tracking, and donor mangement - to assist with management of their chapter activities. During the 2023-2024 year, the organization responded to over 1,500 technology related help desk tickets and provided 6 weekly virtual help desk opportunities to chapters.additionally, during the 2023-2024 year, the board of directors of National Assistance League approved a $200,000 capital investment in a new volunteer management and learning platform. Leaguelink (powered by digital cheetah) is currently being implemented across the organization in phases. Complete implementation and further development of the platform will occur through services and support-the organization offers marketing services and support to chapters by managing an awards program that affords chapters the opportunity to recognize member/community volunteers and outside supporters. Additionally, the organization continues to provide design support for chapter logos. During 2023-2024, the organization began offering additional marketing and social media support for chapters through a tiered service plan with its outsourced marketing partner.the organization continues to support, an online e-commerce platform, by which participating chapters can sell items donated to their chapter, under the Assistance League brand, to a National audience. During the 2023-2024 year, using lessons learned from the e-commerce initiative, the organization has decided to broaden its marketing scope to include the creation of a website that, in addition to the National e-commerce website, promotes all chapter's thrift shops and their individual e-commerce initiatives, as well as a celebrity closet, and the newly created Assistance League marketplace, the exclusive shop for purchasing Assistance League branded merchandise.national partnerships-the organization offers chapters access to nationally developed partnerships and resources to enhance the work they do in their communities, including:" boardsource (new in 2023-2024)-bulk purchasing, gift-in-kind/cash fundraising platform" rightgift-bulk purchasing, gift-in-kind/cash fundraising platform" sterling volunteers-background checks" modern hr-human resources consulting/professional employment organization" grantstation-research tool for grants" target, jcpenny, famous footwear-gift card purchasing" hyatt hotels-member discount program" affinity merchandising (new in 2023-2024)-assistance League branded merchandise", social media, branding support" training and educationsupport and revenue-the organization's support and revenue during the years ended may 31, 2024 and 2023, is primarily derived from per-capita membership dues and investment return. Contributed income is received from Assistance League members and local chapters donating to the circle fund which funds the support of all chapters in our network.looking ahead, the organization will continue to evolve its operating and business models, which will include the development of a new operating revenue model for 2025 forward. We will continue to foster a new approach and mindset that unifies our organization and its 120 chapters on the issues we all have in common, while continuing to allow for flexibility to meet needs of individual chapters and communities.