Program areas at Olmsted Network
Education programs / digitizationin 2023, we offered a rich area of panel discussions as well as single topic presentations. Topics included green gentrification; Olmsted parks and climate change; stewarding Olmsted parks; jacob wrey mould; tracing Olmsted roots in the west and Olmsted in the northwest.our popular conversations with Olmsted webinar series dissected the Olmsted legacy while tackling timely issues like equity and public health. Our single-topic webinars offered in-depth looks at important facets of the Olmsted heritage. The programs enlisted media and Olmsted experts. 2023 also marked our first national conference since the pandemic. This one, in Wisconsin, focused on the work of frederick law Olmsted and the Olmsted 2023, working with the university of Virginia rotunda imprint, we made the papers of frederick law Olmsted available to scholars and the public via open access.
Partnerships /stewardship / advocacysince 2019, on's Network has more than tripled in size. Hundreds of Olmsted parks and landscapes, park conservancies and preservationists are coming together to champion Olmsted work and principles. We are proud to partner with these organizations who are on the front lines of caring for and protecting Olmsted parks across the 2023, we debuted the partner directory. There, we dedicate a full page and many pictures to these great stewards and link to their own websites so that visitors can learn more. Through our Network, partners can connect with like-minded organizations and discuss the unique challenges of stewarding a historic landscape. They receive access to expert speakers, funding opportunities, advocacy toolkits, exclusive educational programming and 2023, the Olmsted Network supported municipalities seeking to embrace Olmsted's design ideas as a way to find greater community and connection. We were able to show how Olmsted ideas offer exciting ways to foster community as well as physical and mental well-being in baltimore, md, lake wales, fl and other communities.we assisted local friends groups and organizations in developing strategies for addressing threats to olmsted-designed landscapes in their communities. This included public statements opposing misguided development and circulation upgrades; as well as support for designation of historic landscapes to the national register of historic places. The global alliance for behavioral health and social justice presented us with a special award for our "efforts to preserve parks and green space...fundamental to the mental well-being of individuals."
Olmstedonline /fairstedin 2023, we continued to assist in the digitization of thousands of plans, drawings, images and correspondence at the frederick law Olmsted national historic site. We expanded information available on olmstedonline, our one-stop digital portal for landscape architects, scholars and the broader public. This portal includes uploads and links to archival and scholarly materials, as well as current day images, geo-referenced plans and tour links.