Program areas at NACS
Nacs holds several conferences and exhibits to help advance the Convenience store industry. The Nacs show is the premier expo and convention for the Convenience and fuel retailing industry, presenting numerous exhibits, workshops, and networking opportunities. These activities benefit retailer and supplier attendees through the dissemination of knowledge, exploitation of connections and advocacy on behalf of the Convenience and fuel retailing industry.
Research represents activities related to the ongoing competitive viability of the Convenience and fuel retailing industry. Projects include industry benchmarks, research studies and benchmark and fuels conferences, information on enhancement to the efficiency of channel operations, and customer metrics.
Nacs' government relations department represents the advocacy arm of Nacs, lobbying the federal government and regulatory agencies on issues relating to the Convenience and fuel retailing industry as well as keeping members and other interested parties updated on important legislative issues.
Membership represents activities to lead the strategic direction of membership development, customer involvement and satisfaction, industry image and the impact of these directions on industry performance.
International activities benefit both the domestic and international retailer and seeks to engage in activities that lead Nacs to understand the global marketplace and enable discoveries to be applied in Convenience retailing around the globe.