Program areas at All Rise for Justice
Adult training and technical assistance (ta):tci provided onsite, phone, and web-based technical assistance and training to All bja grantees and non-grantee courts that requested tta services to develop, implement, and sustain evidence-based practices for increased program effectiveness and long-term participant success. We hosted an introductory webinar for new bja grantees to describe the services available, introduce the agencies and staff providing tta services, and answer questions. We hosted 130 training and ta visits serving 1,357 bja grantees practitioners. We hosted three office hours through 'drug court u,' serving 47 treatment court practitioners. We subcontracted with npc research to finalize the online best assessment for any courts to access. We provided funds to npc research to conduct listening sessions to learn about treatment court operations based on bja selected topics. We hosted incentives, sanctions, and therapeutic adjustments for bja grantees only.
Adult drug court treatment initiative (adcti): tci provided training to assist operational adult drug treatment court programs in developing and implementing improved program practices to increase program effectiveness and long-term participant success. We conducted six on-demand trainings serving 115 drug court practitioners. We conducted 10 adult operational tune-up training serving 910 drug court practitioners. We provided speakers for 49 statewide in-person and virtual events for 37 states, serving 12,959 treatment court practitioners. We provided 4 law enforcement trainings serving 38 law enforcement officers. We provided 4 building a multi-track treatment court trainings serving 177 drug court practitioners. We conducted 8 incentives, sanctions, and therapeutic adjustments (ista) trainings serving 200 drug court practitioners. We offered an equity and inclusion virtual series.
Annual conference:all Rise annual training conference, known as Rise, included sessions that focused not only on drug treatment courts, but on promoting recovery and alternatives to incarceration for those living with substance use or other mental health disorders throughout the Justice system. The conference was last held in june in houston, tx, and drew nearly 7,000 attendees from All fifty states and around the world. Rise is the nation's largest conference for those working at the intersection of addiction, mental health, and Justice. It includes hundreds of groundbreaking sessions and evidence-based resources for All professions involved in treatment courts and elsewhere in both the public health and public safety arenas.
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