Program areas at National Association of Episcopal Schools
In-person conferences: every two years, naes hosts a National conference for all those serving in Episcopal Schools. This includes worship, keynote speakers, and workshops covering topics such as Episcopal identity, governance, deib, chaplaincy, and student leadership. This provides professional and spiritual development for those serving our member Schools. In addition, naes hosts a variety of focused conferences around chaplaincy, headship, deib practices, and parish/school relationships. Webinars: in addition to in-person offerings, naes provides webinars on a variety of topics of interest to those serving in Episcopal Schools. The topics addressed are similar to those of in-person events, but are provided free of charge to members as a way to control school expenses when accessing high quality professional development. Further, those holding different roles in Episcopal Schools are invited to join a monthly networking video call where questions of practice can be explored in greater detail.
Membership services: naes advances Episcopal education and strengthens Episcopal Schools through essential services, resources, conferences, and networking opportunities on Episcopal school identity, leadership and governance, school chaplaincy, racial justice, deib, and the spiritual and professional development of school leaders.
Leadership and governance: supporting the development of our leaders is central to our mission. Naes does this through regular programming for heads of Schools, rectors, and chaplains. Further, naes works with new leaders through our chaplain mentoring program and our new heads gatherings to ensure the success of those starting their journey in our Schools. Finally, naes lifts up the next generation of leaders through our jonathan t. glass institute for aspiring leaders where participants discern whether or not they are called to headship in an Episcopal school.
Resources and curriculum: naes provides resources through our published principles of good practice (pgps) around a variety of topics relevant to Episcopal school leadership. Naes also publishes brochures and books on the topic of Episcopal identity that members can use to come to a deeper understand of the values that make Episcopal Schools unique. Finally, naes also provides a religious studies curriculum for members as well as character development resources in order to focus on the importance of student leadership. Consulting: through our consulting services, Schools are able to access right-priced expertise that goes beyond membership services. This includes on-site board/vestry training, professional development days for faculty, and strategic planning. Outreach: naes also supports the Episcopal urban school alliance (eusa) which is a coalition of tuition-free Schools serving historically underserved families. Naes provides grant support to eusa Schools to support their outreach efforts and to address the unique professional development needs of their staff.