Program areas at NASP
Professional development: National Association of School Psychologists (the Association) hosts an annual convention for School Psychologists either in-person, virtually or both. An in-person convention lasts several days and includes hundreds of scholarly presentations related to practice, training, and research. Numerous workshops are available for continuing professional development. The convention includes keynote and featured presentations on timely topics. The convention also provides an introduction and forum for graduate students in School psychology to gather and learn about the profession. An exhibit hall is sponsored and exhibitors represented include test and textbook publishers, trainers of School Psychologists, computer and software manufacturers, etc. The Association forms interest groups among its members to facilitate research and communication around specific topics. Additionally, the Association develops continuing professional education courses for School Psychologists to maintain their state and National certifications. The Association may host other virtual professional development opportunities such as a virtual skills institute; offer live and archived online professional development through an online learning center; develop crisis intervention and prevention materials and hosts crisis and crisis prevention training sessions; and provides leadership and "training of trainers" programs for these crisis programs.
Advocacy: promotes and advocates for the value of School psychological services and for appropriate research-based education and mental health services for all children, youth, families and schools. Programs and activities that promote the development of professional practices, policy and legislation include the public policy institute, workshops, and workgroup meetings to develop needed resources, School crisis support and development of position papers.leadership: leadership consists of the board of directors (board) and the leadership assembly (la). The la consists of one elected delegate from each state, commonwealth, and the district of columbia, board members and committee chairs. The board is responsible for establishing strategic priorities for nasp; setting business and operational policies and procedures; having fiduciary and operational oversight; and facilitating implementation of the Association's strategic plan. The board consists of the elected officers (president, president-elect, past president, treasurer, and secretary), four appointed strategic liaisons, two delegate representatives from each of the four regions of the country, the strategic planning coordinator, and the Association executive director. The la establishes the strategic plan and professionally related policies of the Association. The la consists of one elected delegate from each state, commonwealth, and the district of columbia, board members and committee chairs. The board typically meets 3-4 times a year and the la meets once per year. Regional meeting are held in conjunction with the annual convention and are attended by the state delegates, state Association presidents, and the regions' invitees.
Information services: provides information focused on the profession and practice of School psychology by publishing graduate level textbooks, professional research papers, monograph books, and books dealing with specific topics related to School psychology intended for School Psychologists, allied professionals and the general public. Information services publishes a scholarly journal quarterly ("School psychology review") and a newspaper eight times a year ("communique"). The Association maintains an extensive website for its members and the public at