Program areas at NBAA
Nbaa's Business Aviation convention and exhibition (nbaa-bace) provides an unsurpassed opportunity for the show's 20,000 attendees to view the largest display of Business Aviation exhibits in the world and attend a series of forums for information sharing and networking with peers. This gathering of Business Aviation professionals, in which Business aircraft management, operations, maintenance, budgeting and products are covered exhaustively, is the single-most important Business Aviation event of the year.
Conference and seminar programs. The Association offers a comprehensive program of information seminars, conferences and workshops for flight department personnel. All job functions, including schedulers, dispatchers, flight attendants, maintenance managers, technicians, chief pilots and Aviation department managers are covered. The conferences and seminars address current industry trends and issues as well as basic hands-on information for the successful day-to-day operation of a company's flight department.
Ebace, jointly hosted each year by the european Business Aviation Association (ebaa), the leading Association for Business Aviation in europe, and the National Business Aviation Association (nbaa), the leading voice for the Business Aviation industry in the united states, is the premier annual meeting place for the european Business Aviation community. This three-day event features exhibits, a large display of aircraft, and a full program of education.