Program areas at National Caucus of Environmental Legislators
Environmental health: ncel works on a wide variety of Environmental health issues including reducing plastic pollution, protecting the public from toxic chemicals, and restoring a healthier Mississippi river. State actions and collaboration across state lines plays a crucial role in ensuring safe water, air, and consumer products for all. Ncel's staff organizes state Legislators to keep them up to date on the most pressing Environmental health issues, and provides them with the tools to pursue policies in their states.
Annual forum: ncel's staff organizes an annual forum for state Legislators to keep them up to date on the most pressing Environmental health issues and provides them with the tools to pursue policies in their states.
Conservation: wildlife, their habitats, and natural landscapes everywhere are increasingly threatened by human activity and climate change. Ncel equips state Legislators with resources and knowledge to advance actions that conserve and restore landscapes, wetlands, and species. In addition, ncel's staff organizes state Legislators to keep them up-to-date on the most pressing conservation issues, and provides them with the tools to advance protections in their states.
Climate & energy: state Legislators witness the daily impact that a changing climate has on their state. They understand that action must be taken now in order to build a clean energy economy for the future. Ncel participants are working to ensure their states make deep reductions in carbon emissions through energy efficiency, increased renewable energy, beneficial electrification, and carbon pricing. These Legislators are also working to prevent Environmental damage from fossil fuel development. In addition, ncel empowers state Legislators by keeping them up-to-date on the most pressing climate and energy issues and providing them with the tools to pursue solutions in their states.
Ocean: climate change is having drastic impacts on ocean ecosystems and coastal communities, yet oceans and coastlines also offer innovative opportunities for climate resilience and adaptation. Ncel supports lawmakers in coastal states working to adopt renewable offshore energy, preserve and protect coastal ecosystems, reduce plastic pollution and marine debris, and effectively develop coastal resilience plans that account for future impacts like sea level rises. Ncel's staff organizes state Legislators to keep them up-to-date on the most pressing ocean issues, and provides them with the tools to advance protection in their states.