Program areas at National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation
Ncdds online resource center offers more than 3,000 referenced resources and best practices to educate people about Dialogue Deliberation. Ncdds membership, which is open to everyone, includes more than 700 organizations, practitioners, scholars from across the u.s. and 5 other countries, the organization keeps in touch with over 20,000 people involved in public engagement and conflict resolution work monthly via email announcements covering the latest news, opportunities, resources related to group process work. The website offers over 3,000 posts about training educational opportunities, calls for facilitators, news articles, etc. Ncdd also has created opportunities for members to gather share knowledge at National conferences/regional events where at least 3,575 people have attended. In 2022,ncdd organized line educational programming by offering 4 webinars serving over 400 participants by introducing them to the latest innovations,practices,and tools for public engagement work hosting a week-long virtual conference with over 100 participants in attendance.
Ncdd partnered with the huntington beach public library to train staff as facilitators and to design and host world cafe conversations at the library as part of the huntington beach community conversations initiative. Ncdd trained 10 staff in facilitation practices using the world cafe method, and helped to design each event and facilitate when needed. More than 150 community members participated in this project so far. This initiative will continue in 2023.
Ncdd began a new phase of its partnership with the american library association for the libraries transforming communities accessible small and rural communities initiative. This initiative provides training and grants for accessible conversations and projects to improve library access for disabled communities. This initiative continues into 2023. Ncdd is creating a guide for grantees, as well as online and in person trainings and content to support this initiative. This accessibility initiative is coupled with the final year of the libraries transforming communities focus on small and rural libraries initiative which has trained more than 400 library workers in the practices of facilitating community conversations.